European Nuclear Society
e-news Issue 22 Autumn 2008 .htm

Leningrad NPP: International Motor Rally 2008 is over

Information Department of Leningrad NPP/Press Service of Energoatom Concern, OJSC

From 4 – 23 October, Energoatom Concern OJSC, jointly with Fortum (Finland) and other foreign partners, organised a seminar entitled Nuclear Power Engineering – New generation. The “seminar” was held in the form of an international motor rally of nuclear power plants. The rally set off from Leningrad Nuclear Power Plant (Sosnovy Bor, Leningrad Region).

International Motor Rally 2008 is over

The organisers of the project were the Public Council of Rosatom State Nuclear Energy Corporation, Atomprof (St.Petersburg); the Moscow Center of the World Association of Nuclear Operators; the Administration of Sosnovy Bor and the Association of PR Specialists of St.Petersburg and the Leningrad Region.

The organiser of the rally was Atomturservice agency of the “Energy” Club of Employees of Leningrad Nuclear Power Plant.

The tour covered nuclear power plants in Russia (Leningrad), Finland (Loviisa and Olkiluoto), Sweden (Ringhals), Germany (Grohnde and Isar), the Czech Republic (Temelin), Hungary (Paks) and Lithuania (Ignalina), the Central Office of IAEA in Austria, STUK, Fortum, TVO (Teollisuuden Voima Oy) and Vattenfall. The crews comprised representatives of Bilibino, Kalinin and Leningrad NPPs, the Central Office of Energoatom Concern, power companies of Finland, the Association of PR Specialists of St.Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, the Press Center of the Administration of Sosnovy Bor and the “Energy” Club of Employees of Leningrad NPP.

© European Nuclear Society, 2008