European Nuclear Society
e-news Issue 24 Spring 2009

Editorial staff:

Editorial Staff:

Mark O’Donovan, Editor-in-Chief

Contributors to this Issue:

Helmut Böck ( Atominstitut, Vienna)
Michael Bryant (YGN, France))
David Bonser (ENS)
David Dalton (NucNet)
Diana Cuervo (Universitat Politécnica de Madrid)
Kirsten Epskamp (ENS)
Corinne Lepage (Modem)
Bernard Lerouge (CEA)
Enrico Mainardi (YGN, Italy)
Marija Miletić (YGN, Czech Republic)
Frigyes Reisch (KTH)
Priya Shah (YGN, UK)
Andrew Teller (Areva)


Marion Brünglinghaus

Rue Belliard 65, BE-1040 Brussels
Phone +32 2 505 30 50 - Fax: +32 2 502 39 02
E-mail: -

The ENS News is a quarterly publication, in electronic form only.
Copyright notice ©2009 European Nuclear Society.
Reproduction is authorised provided that the ENS News is acknowledged as the source – except where otherwise stated.

© European Nuclear Society, 2009