European Nuclear Society
e-news Issue 26 Autum 2009

The Swiss Young Generation Project 2009

On 25 September, the Swiss Young Generation Project 2009 was started. It is the largest training course offered by the Swiss Nuclear Society’s Young Generation Network. This is the fourth year running that the project has been organised, after achieving great success in the past. Ten young professionals from six companies and organizations met at the kick-off meeting at the Böttstein Convention Centre, next to the NPP Beznau, to work intensively on two main topics:

The two main topics were introduced by experts in their respective fields: Dr. André Vossebein, who is responsible for strategic energy management at the Axpo Holding AG, presented the future potential for Switzerland of various forms of electricity production and the effect that each has on the CO2-balance. Dr. Piet Zuidema, who responsible for technology and research at Nagra (National Cooperative for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste) presented the latest research status in Switzerland with regards to waste storage sites, as well as the political and public process that underpins their realisation.


Two working groups have been formed to present, over the next two months, scientific papers and presentations on each of the main topics. The experts will support the groups with their work. The finished papers will be presented at the final meeting of the Young Generation Project, in mid-November and at the International Youth Nuclear Congress (IYNC 2010) in Capetown, South Africa. In addition, two further presentations were made at the kick-off meeting in Böttstein: Corina Eichenberger, a member of the Swiss Parliament and President of the Swiss Nuclear Forum, gave an insight into Swiss energy policy and the future role of nuclear energy in the production portfolio. Dr. Bruno Pellaud, former Deputy Director General of the IAEA and former President of the Swiss Nuclear Forum, gave a lecture on the history of nuclear power in Switzerland.

The Swiss Young Generation Project 2009

Since the Young Generation Project 2009 kick-off meeting the two working groups have started preparing their respective papers and presentations. The Swiss Nuclear Society’s Young Generation Network is looking forward to the final meeting in mid-November.

Thomas Winkler, member of the Board of the Swiss Nuclear Society’s Young Generation Network

© European Nuclear Society, 2009