European Nuclear Society
e-news Issue 31 Winter 2011


The overall objective of ENETRAP II, which is one of the EC’s 7th Framework Programme projects, is to develop European high-quality "reference standards" and good practices for training in radiation protection (RP). These relate specifically to training up to the level of radiation protection expert (RPE) and radiation protection officer (RPO), in accordance with the new European BSS (basic safety standards).
It is envisaged that the outcome of this project will be instrumental in assisting cooperation between regulators, trainers and “customers” (nuclear industry, research, non-nuclear industry, etc.) in achieving harmonisation of the requirements for, and the education and training of RPEs and RPOs in Europe. It will stimulate competence building and career development in RP to meet future demands.

One major goal of the ENETRAP II project is to monitor the effectiveness of the proposed methodologies by organising pilot sessions during selected training courses. The modular courses in the first phase are designed for RPE. They include the “common basis” (Modules 1 to 3) and a series of specialised “optional modules” on occupational radiation protection at different installations where ionising radiation is applied. These are summarised below.

Module 1:  Basics    14/03-18/03/2011

Module 2:  Foundation   21/03-25/03/2011

Module 3:  Occupational RP   28/03-30/03/2011

Module 4:  NPPs and Research Reactors    04/04-08/04/2011

Module 6:  Unsealed Sources, Research and Non-Nuclear   30/03-01/04/2011
Module 8:  NORM   23/05-26/05/2011

Modules 1 to 4 and Module 6 will take place at KIT (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology), Karlsruhe, Germany, and Module 8 at NRG, in Petten, the Netherlands. All modules will be taught in English.

Special features of the courses include the hands-on involvement of participants through practically-oriented laboratory exercises, workshops and technical visits. There will be time devoted to discussions on the effectiveness of the proposed training standards.

A certificate will be issued upon successful completion of a training module. The certificates will be mutually recognised within the EC, facilitating international exchange of RP personnel. 

The modules offered can be booked separately or as a complete European Radiation Protection Training Course (ERPTC) package. Participation in the whole ERPTC package fulfils all the training requirements of European RPEs, e.g. Modules 1 to 4 for RPEs in NPPs and research reactors and Modules 1 to 3 and Module 6 for RPEs in non-nuclear industry and research.

European Radiation Protection Training Course ERPTC

For further information and registration contact Dr. Siegurd Möbius, KIT:

Phone: +49 7247 82-3791   Fax: +49 7247 82-4857

Alternatively, visit

© European Nuclear Society, 2011