European Nuclear Society
e-news Issue 32 Spring 2011

Nuclear Power Generation after 3-11

Listening to others

by Andrew Teller

The Fukushima accident that started on 11 March 2011 is an event of major importance although it is far too early to assess its actual consequences. It would be unthinkable to me to devote this column to anything other than this disaster which struck Japan and the nuclear industry in its wake. It gives the advocates of nuclear power generation (NPG) reasons to feel caught on the horns of a dilemma. On the one hand, the natural catastrophe that battered the north-western part of Japan was of an unprecedented magnitude. The total number of casualties resulting from the earthquake and the tsunami is now in the range of twenty-eight thousand and might still grow further. In such conditions, one might be tempted to think that when things go that bad, it is hardly surprising if industrial facilities do not fare well. On the other hand, it can be argued that the rule of the game has always been that nuclear power plants would be spared this worst scenario no matter what. But feeling torn between these two attitudes is nevertheless a luxury that only remote spectators can afford. It must be recognised that the nuclear consequences of the natural disaster did seriously worsen the plight of a Japanese population already terribly affected by the elements.

What the advocates of nuclear energy might think or hope or try to argue will be drowned in the reactions of the society at large. The future of nuclear power generation will keep being shaped in the usual political arenas but the reactions worldwide are far from homogeneous. Unsurprisingly, the opponents of nuclear energy have found in the Fukushima accident renewed grist to their mill and some governments have already taken measures against NPG under their influence. However, some commentators and industry analysts not linked to the nuclear industry are taking a view much more balanced than what could have been expected only a decade ago. They quite rightly point out that getting rid of nuclear energy is not going to be done overnight and that the known advantages of this energy source make it undesirable to do so. This situation is noticeably different from the one prevailing before the “nuclear renaissance”, when expressing anti-nuclear sentiment in the media was almost a fashion. In these peak-oil times, which attitude is going to prevail where is not easy to foretell. This is where more time is needed.

Since my focus has always been the cognitive aspects of the nuclear debate, I would like to offer the following provisional observations:

As mentioned above, no meaningful conclusion is possible at present. Let me offer one forecast in the meantime: the Fukushima accident will shed new light on Three Mile Island. Until 3-11, TMI was standing alone in its category. Much to our regret, we have now a second case of interruption of the core cooling function. No doubt highlighting the similarities and the differences between the two accidents will improve our understanding of both.

© European Nuclear Society, 2011