European Nuclear Society
e-news Issue 33 Summer 2011

NESTet 2011: putting nuclear education and training centre stage

NESTet 2011

The latest edition of ENS’ flagship NESTet (Nuclear Engineering Science and Technology Education and Training) conference took place in the Czech Republic’s beautiful capital city of Prague, from 15 – 18 May 2011.

IAEA Efforts on Nuclear Security Training and Education

Around 150 participants from 30 countries took part in this important conference – the second time it has featured on the Society’s international conference agenda. Its main objective was to mobilise teachers, trainers, national and EU level decision-makers and all those people responsible for human resources and skills development in the sector to discuss the key issues relating to nuclear education and training. And this objective was certainly achieved as the conference hall in the Diplomat Hotel was filled to capacity. The name of the game during the four-day conference was above all sharing experiences, facilitating networking, stimulating debate and promoting action, so that all sectors of the nuclear engineering, science and technology community can benefit – today and tomorrow.

Nestet 2011

In his opening speech ENS President, Professor Vladimir Slugen, underlined how vitally important it is for the nuclear sector to provide top-class education and training in order to develop the nuclear professionals of tomorrow who will drive forward the nuclear industry and research sectors. He added that providing training in safety is all the more important since the accident that occurred at Fukushima in March.

Poster Session

A total of 66 presentations were made. Among the agenda highlights were topics such as improving access to teaching expertise at the higher education level, boosting the numbers of students studying for nuclear-related degrees, meeting industry’s demand for graduates, maximising the range of training courses on offer and satisfying the future needs of employees in the nuclear sector. The agenda highlighted the crucial importance of developing an efficient and effective nuclear education system across the EU and designing the progressive training systems that will deliver the skilled workforce needed to satisfy this dynamic and rapidly evolving industry.

Why do we need nuclear education?

In addition to the presentations and debates a further 40 posters exhibitions were on permanent display throughout what proved to be a very informative, focused and successful conference.

Immediately after NESTet the European Nuclear Young Generation Forum (ENYGF) took place (see report written by the Czech Young Generation)

For further information consult the ENS website at the following

© European Nuclear Society, 2011