European Nuclear Society
e-news Issue 33 Summer 2011

Cogent and OECD-NEA join-up on nuclear skills at NESTet 2011

NESTet 2011

During the recent NESTet conference in Prague a number of interesting presentations were given on the subject of nuclear education and training. Among those who presented were COGENT. The following COGENT report summaries the subject and scope of their presentation.

Press Release

Cogent Director of Science and Research, Dr Brian Murphy, presented alongside Maria Elena Urso, from the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) on the theme of Nuclear Education and Training and Assuring a Competent Workforce at the Nuclear Engineering Science and Technology conference (NESTet 2011), which took place from 15 to 18 May in Prague.

This important European Nuclear Society (ENS) conference was dedicated to networking in nuclear education and training across the fields of engineering, science and technology.

Dr Murphy said: “this is a great example of Cogent, the UK skills council for nuclear, jointly working with an international body and international outreach for our work on industry training frameworks, standards and the National Skills Academy for Nuclear’s Skills Passport and quality assured provision.”

The speakers set out:

• the feasibility of a comprehensive taxonomy for nuclear job roles and competences

• that an international taxonomic system can add value through a common language of competence

• that education, training and experience can be recognised at international and national levels

• that the system has the potential to further the ambitions of the international nuclear industry in safety, mobility, HR planning and knowledge management.

Drawing from Cogent’s peer-reviewed labour market research and standards development in the UK and the proceedings of OECD-NEA, the papers submitted explored the potential of an international Nuclear Skills Taxonomy that is underpinned by robust evidence, occupational standards, independent accreditation of workforce development and training.

Dr Murphy added, “nuclear is part of the energy mix of many European countries and, prior to the recent disaster at Fukushima in Japan, the sector was seen to be emerging from a ‘doldrum’ decade with new build underway in several countries

“While further developments will undoubtedly pause to reflect on lessons learnt, the ‘renaissance’ drivers that positioned new nuclear power as a credible part of the medium-term energy mix remain; these drivers are the prospects of energy security and low carbon electricity.

“Fukushima will have an impact on consideration of lifetime extensions of current nuclear estates for example, in Germany. It will also inform new build designs that are under assessment or planning, for example, in the UK and Italy. Decommissioning, which requires expert skills, nevertheless, still remains for all countries that have had or are planning new generations of nuclear power.”

The conference was timely, focusing on exchange of information on available nuclear expertise, capacity, infrastructure and needs.

Jean Llewellyn, Chief Executive of the National Skills Academy for Nuclear commented: “nuclear education, training and assuring a competent workforce for the nuclear industry is a subject which is the premise of the collaborative work undertaken by the Skills Academy and Cogent Sector Skills Council, and I am grateful that Dr Brian Murphy was available to speak partly on our behalf at this hugely important event."

“Following the Fukishma event, the spotlight is firmly placed on the nuclear skills agenda. Dr Mike Weightman’s first interim report post the Fukushima incident outlined the imperative of having the right training and skills development in place across the UK nuclear industry both to ensure safety and to maintain the highest standards of nuclear operations.

“We firmly believe the Nuclear Skills Passport and the Nuclear Industry Training Framework will aid in ensuring the UK has the skilled and highly competent workforce it needs to continue safe and efficient decommissioining and operation of its existing and new build sites”

Clive Smith, Cogent’s Skills Director for Nuclear, a former Senior Manager in the sector and who works closely with the employers said, “this important European Nuclear Society Conference on education and training was designed to facilitate collaboration and sharing of best practice. It provided an opportunity for the UK nuclear sector to highlight the coordinated approach that is being taken across a broad spectrum of employers, skills bodies and Government.”

About Cogent

Cogent is the Sector Skills Council for the chemicals, pharmaceuticals, nuclear, oil and gas, petroleum and polymer industries. It has recently taken on sectoral responsibility for bioscience. It is the voice of employers in these industry sectors and is working with them to design qualifications; attract young people into the Sector and understand their needs through comprehensive research. Cogent currently represents the interests of a sector which employs around 900,000 people in high value jobs and indirectly supports around three times as many.
For press enquiries contact: Judith Holcroft on: 01925 515 215

© European Nuclear Society, 2011