European Nuclear Society
e-news Issue 36 Spring 2012

ETRAP 2013

ETRAP 2013

13 - 15 March in Vienna, Austria

5th International Conference on Education and Training in Radiological Protection

Call for Papers

To fully benefit from the peaceful uses of ionising radiation that are found in industry, medicine, agriculture and research, and nuclear power generation, both people and the environment need to be protected. Education and training in radiation protection is therefore essential to building and maintaining the competent workforce that is necessary for establishing and maintaining the safe and well-regulated working environment that is demanded by modern society. The importance such of education and training has been acknowledged for many years, and a wide range of programmes and initiatives have been established at the national, regional and international level.

ETRAP 2013 provides a forum for decision makers, regulators, educational and training providers and practitioners, researchers, radiation protection experts and persons from international organizations to discuss the current state of the art in education and training in radiation protection. The conference aims to identify current trends and good practices in the area while looking to the future so that society can continue to benefit from the many uses of ionizing radiation.

Contributions are particularly welcome on the following topics related to education and training in radiation protection:

We welcome both oral and poster submissions. If you wish to share your knowledge and insights with regard to education and training in radiological protection, please submit your abstract by 30 September 2012.

More information on ETRAP 2013 is available at

ETRAP 2013 Conference Secretariat

organised by:

European Nuclear Society


Seibersdorf Laboratories

supported by:

European Federation of Organizations for Medical Physics (EFOMP)

© European Nuclear Society, 2012