European Nuclear Society
e-news Issue 36 Spring 2012


    Eighteenth Frédéric Joliot/Otto Hahn Summer School to focus on innovative modular reactors

    This eighteenth session of the Frédéric Joliot/Otto Hahn (FJOH) Summer School on Nuclear Reactors Physics, Fuels, and Systems will take place in Aix-en-Provence, France, from 22 -31 August, 2012. The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and the Nuclear Energy Division of the CEA (France’s “Commission for Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies”) jointly organise each FJOH Summer School and the venue alternates between Karlsruhe and Aix-en-Provence.

    This year’s session is dedicated to innovative modular nuclear reactors. The programme addresses reactor concepts, the motivation behind the concepts and their perceived advantages and limitations. Various lecturers from internationally renowned universities and R&D laboratories will introduce the specific features of these reactors, the main underlying physical phenomena, the latest state-of-the-art core and fuel modelling and relevant analytical methods. The lectures are of a post-doctoral level and are intended for junior as well as experienced nuclear scientists and engineers working on a broad range of scientific fields and technological and engineering applications.

    FJOH-2012 participants will learn about the relative merits of innovative modular reactors based on different coolant technologies, not only for electricity generation, but also for sea-water desalination, marine propulsion, district heating, high-temperature and other applications. Different lecturers discussing the same topic are expected to provide complementary perspectives.

    When it began in 2004, the scope of the School was extended to include scientific issues related to nuclear fuels. The School’s aim is to address the challenges of reactor design and optimal fuel cycles, and to broaden the understanding of theory and practical experiments. This year’s course (FJOH-2012) is a continuation of the Frédéric Joliot Summer Schools on Modern Reactor Physics and the Modelling of Complex Systems that were created by CEA in 1995 to promote knowledge in the field of reactor physics, in a broader sense, and to encourage the international exchange of teachers, scientists, engineers and researchers.

    The Summer School is sponsored by KIT, the CEA Nuclear Energy Division (DEN) and the French Institute for Education and Training in Nuclear Science and Technology (INSTN).

    To learn more about the course and its programme please click on the following links:

    © European Nuclear Society, 2012