European Nuclear Society
e-news Issue 37 Summer 2012


Liisa Heikinheimo elected new President of the Finnish Nuclear Society

The annual meeting of the Finnish Nuclear Society was held in Tieteiden talo, Helsinki on March 13th, 2012. During the meeting Dr Liisa Heikinheimo from TVO was elected the new President of ATS and Anna Nieminen, from VTT, was elected the Society’s new Secretary. Timo Vanttola from VTT and Tapani Raunio from Fortum were also nominated to new members of the Board.

Petri Kinnunen, from VTT, gave a presentation about the Jules Horowitz project and Finnish participation in it. Heikki Suikkanen and Ville Rintala received the 2011 Erkki Laurila award, which is given to the best scientific article published in the ATS Ydintekniikka magazine. The article was dealing with modeling and computer simulation works of pebble bed reactors at the Lappeenranta University of Technology.

Energy Channel celebrated its 20th anniversary

The Energy Channel was founded in spring 1990 by seven active women working in the nuclear field. It was established as a working group of ATS and at present it has nearly 80 active members. Energy Channel celebrated its 20th anniversary in the Glo Hotel on 23 March, 2012. The event was opened by the minister of economic affairs Jyri Häkämies. Presidents of all three nuclear power companies, Fortum Power and Heat, TVO and Fennovoima, and the waste management company Posiva, presented their greetings. All together 63 female leaders and members participated.

Energy Channel celebrated its 20th anniversary in March 2012. The Precidents of Fortum, TVO, Fennovoima and Posiva presented their greetings.

Energy Channel celebrated its 20th anniversary in March 2012. The Precidents of Fortum, TVO, Fennovoima and Posiva presented their greetings.

© European Nuclear Society, 2012