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European Nuclear Society
e-news Issue 40 Spring 2013

Take a flower of hope...

Children and students from nearby schools have traditionally offered flowers to the Mochovce and Bohunice NPPs - a tradition that is 13 years old now. A group of volunteers, mostly girls, brought bunches of beautiful daffodills onto the NPPs’ premises and presented them to plant personnel. The volunteers’ efforts on Daffodil Day - a fund-raising event is part of a national programme to promote the fight against cancer through the League Against Cancer association - were supported, as is the case every year, by members of the Women in Nuclear (WiN) section of SNUS, who make a great difference with their wholehearted and enthusiastic organisation of the event.

Daffodil Day

The volunteers who visited the NPPs appreciated the possibility to learn more about subjects like ionising radiation, the operation of a nuclear reactor, uranium pellets, etc. WiN members, in return heard, the latest interesting news and listened to funny stories about life at the schools.

As the culmination of Daffodil Day takes place in cities and towns during working hours the volunteers met employees from other facilities run by the utility Slovenske Elektrarne (SE), e.g. the thermal power plants at Vojany and Novaky, the hydro-power plant at Trencin and SE’s corporate headquarters.

The seventeenth edition of Daffodil Day raised a record amount of money from SE. Some of money is intended for projects aiming primarily at treating cancer patients in all regions of Slovakia, but also for educational campaigns to promote cancer prevention among the general public.

Slovenske Elektrarne supports the League Against Cancer not just on Daffodil Day but also throughout the year. This commitment includes long-term support through initiatives like the “Energy for Life” project.

Daffodil Day, thanks to the excellent organisation of the League Against Cancer and the great response of the public, has become the biggest public fundraising event of its kind in Slovakia.

                                               Zuzana Andrlova
Member of the WIN Coordination Committee


The seventeenth edition of Daffodil Day raised a record amount of money from SE

The following heartfelt messages of support prove the real “moral dimension” of the project:

“It was fantastic. As a volunteer-newcomer I got a lot of positive experiences and learn some more English language J. Thanks a lot.”

“I liked this day very much, mainly because I have never been giving daffodils to people.”

“It was very pleasant. People were generally nice and mild. It was very interesting day.”

“The whole day was in good mood and we could smile in giving flowers. I hope we helped to collect lot of money and contribute this way to the smile of others, who suffer with the malicious disease so that they also could spend spans of life, albeit short, with a smile.” Andrea                                            

“Super day. Although the sun did not shine, daffodills tickled the heart of many, who were willing to contribute.”  

© European Nuclear Society, 2013