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European Nuclear Society
e-news Issue 43 Winter 2014

Hungarian Nuclear Society highlights publication of three new books

Three new books were published in 2013 with the support of the Hungarian Nuclear Society. Several of the authors are active members of the society. The books are available in Hungarian. Here is a summary of all three:

The “Safety of nuclear reactors” was written by a large group of Hungarian experts. The book discusses different aspects of nuclear safety. It starts with the description of basic physical phenomena (e.g. nuclear fission and chain reactions). The operation of different reactor designs is also presented. Thermal hydraulic phenomena, fuel behavior and activity release are discussed in separate dedicated chapters. The authors focus on water-cooled reactors, quoting several examples of VVER reactors operational in Hungary. A significant part of the book is devoted to safety criteria and deterministic and probabilistic safety analyses.

3 new books were published in 2013 with the support of the HNS

Challenges and solutions in the development of Hungarian nuclear technology” is the subtitle of the book: “Hungarian grandchildren of Prometheus”. The writing of the book was coordinated by a senior group of members of the Hungarian Nuclear Society. They provided a historical overview of the peaceful applications of nuclear energy in Hungary, including the building of the Paks nuclear power plant. Most of the authors participated in the construction works and their personal experience is illustrated in the book. The last chapter includes a vision of the future of nuclear energy in Hungary. 

Finally, “Nuclear law in the first decades of the 21st century” is the first Hungarian book to provide an extensive overview of the legal aspects related to the application of nuclear technologies. The authors emphasize the importance of nuclear safety and the need for liability insurance in the event of nuclear accidents. High priority is also given to the different issues linked to the handling of radioactive waste. The book summarizes the various international legal practice related the peaceful application of nuclear energy and to the decommissioning of nuclear installations. It also proposes useful solutions to everyday problems.

© European Nuclear Society, 2014