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European Nuclear Society
e-news Issue 45 Summer 2014

Nuclear Summer Camp 2014

The 8th Nuclear Summer Camp for secondary school students was organised by the Hungarian Nuclear Society in July 2014. Teenagers arrived from several cities in Hungary to listen to presentations given by nuclear experts and teachers on nuclear technology and on nuclear physics and communications. The students carried out special nuclear measurements at the Eötvös Lóránd University, and visited the training reactor of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. The Nuclear Summer Camp programme included visits to Paks Nuclear Power Plant and to the Museum of Nuclear Energy.

The lectures covered the following topics:

The summer camp was located in Göd, which is a small village by the Danube River that offers many possibilities for leisure activities. 

Nuclear Summer Camp 2014

Magyar Nuklearis Tarsasag

The Hungarian Nuclear Society

© European Nuclear Society, 2014