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European Nuclear Society
e-news Issue 46 Autumn 2014

ENYGF 2015 – Nuclear and Environment – June 2015

ENYGF 2015

The Atoms for the Future 2014 conference brought together, in France, more than 200 students and young nuclear professionals from all over the world (USA, UK, Sweden, Finland, Belgium, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, etc.). Now SFEN JG (Young Generation) is busy preparing the European Nuclear Young Generation Forum conference, which will take place in Paris in June 2015.

The European Nuclear Young Generation Forum (ENYGF) is a biennal event organised by the European Nuclear Society – Young Generation Network (ENS-YGN). The last edition of the forum was held in June 2013 in Stockholm; it was a successful event that brought together about 400 young professionals and students from Europe and the world. It featured a number of very interesting technical sessions (workshops, plenary, etc.) and fantastic networking social events. The next ENYGF will be held in Paris in June 2015 and will be dedicated to Nuclear and the Environment in order to share ideas about the role of nuclear in the energy mix and climate change within the context of COP21 (Paris, December 2015). It will provide a major opportunity for the nuclear young generation to make its voice heard.

The forum will consist of three days of conference sessions (plenary & panel sessions, workshops and technical sessions) and social events throughout the week, followed by a day set aside for technical visits in France and another one for cultural events.

I. Call for Papers

Any participant interested in presenting a paper or poster during the event is invited to send us his/her abstract before 13 November at technicalpaper@enygf2015.org.

Participating in ENYGF 2015 offers a great opportunity for you to present your thesis or work to the nuclear young generation.

The technical session topics will be as follows:

II. Call for workshop managers

During the sessions a series of workshops will also be organised. They will consist of interactive sessions involving a small group of participants (between 30 and 40). Each group will perform a specific task (e.g. create a game or brainstorming session) and present the results of its work. Each workshop will be managed by a ‘workshop manager.’

The manager will be expected to perform the following tasks:

If you are interested in managing a workshop, contact the workshop team at workshop@enygf2015.org before 30 October.

Being an ENYGF workshop manager is an opportunity to learn a lot about a specific topic, to meet very interesting people before and during the workshop session and to create something that will be valued by the participants.

The workshop topics will be as follows:

© European Nuclear Society, 2014