European Nuclear Society
e-news Issue 47 Winter 2015

Editorial staff:

Editorial Staff:

Mark O’Donovan, Editor-in-Chief

Contributors to this Issue:

Stéphane Bresson (Nucleopolis, France)
Noel Carmarcat (ENS)
Michèle Coeck (SCK.CEN, Belgium)
Iskren Cvetkov (BgNS YGN, Bulgaria)
Kirsten Epskamp (ENS)
Isabelle Jouette (SFEN, France)
Alain Michel (Groupe Esperluète, Belgium)
Sophie Missirian (YGN, France)
Dirk Ryckbosch (Ghent University, Belgium)
Petra van Mulders (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium)
Nick van Remortel (University of Antwerp, Belgium)
Eric van Walle (SCK.CEN, Belgium)


Marion Brünglinghaus

Avenue des Arts 56, BE-1000 Brussels
Phone +32 2 505 30 50 - Fax: +32 2 502 39 02
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© European Nuclear Society, 2015