European Nuclear Society
e-news Issue 48 Spring 2015

FORATOM GHG avoidance papers

FORATOM put together a detailed report on the latest situation with regards to greenhouse gas emission avoidance in the EU. After developing two hypothetical scenarios and estimations done by FORATOM it was concluded that the EU’s current nuclear fleet avoids around 680 million tonnes of CO2eq per year as compared to the emissions from a representative mix of fossil fuels generating the same amount of electricity.  The amount of CO2 avoided by nuclear energy falls to around 450 million tonnes of CO2eq per year as compared to the emissions that would be produced by generating the same amount of electricity using all the other sources in the current (2014) energy mix. The full version of the FORATOM position paper on nuclear energy’s contribution to the EU’s Post-Kyoto climate change policy you can read here

For further information please contact Emilia Janisz at: 00 32 2 505 30 57;

© European Nuclear Society, 2015