European Nuclear Society
e-news Issue 50 Winter 2016

NESTet 2016

NESTet 2016 : a focus on excellence in project management

We are different ! Are we different?

Efficient project management is crucial for success - and yet projects fail to be delivered on time and within budget.

How do organisations build the leadership team´s capacity to successfully lead the organization and to improve performance? How do they enable leaders to take the right decisions? How to they organise leadership training?

NESTet 2016 will help identifying methods and processes to manage complex projects and highlight best practice examples.

Keynote speaker: Dr. Roland Dumont du Voitel

Dr. Roland Dumontdu Voitel, Managing Partner / CEO at amontis consulting and Vice President at PMI Frankfurt Chapter, has paved the road to success for many medium sized and large companies by means of his long-standing, internationally gained experience in the area of project management.

Mark your diary and join us at NESTet 2016!

NESTet 2016 targets directors and managers in charge of recruitment and training in companies and research centers, professors, teachers and trainers responsible for devising and delivering education and training.

NESTet 2016 Conference Secretariat:
Tel: + 32 2 505 30 54
Fax: +32 2 502 3902
e-mail: nestet2016@euronuclear.org


© European Nuclear Society, 2016