Issue No.8 Spring
(April 2005)


ENS News

ENS President's Contribution

Tapping Unusual Quarters

ENS Events

PIME 2005

RRFM 2005

ETRAP 2005

ENC 2005

Member Societies & Corporate Members

News from Poland

News from Lithuinia

Corporate communication

YGN Report

Young nuclear specialists in the new Europe

European Institutions

7th Framework Programme

News from Bulgaria

ENS World News

International Ministerial Conference in Paris

NEA Publication

NucNet News

ENS Members

Links to ENS Member Societies

Links to ENS Corporate Members

Editorial staff
RRFM 2005RRFM 2005

ETRAP 2005
23-25 November 2005 in Brussels






















In this issue

As winter releases its grip on mind and body and spring ushers in renewal, the nuclear industry too is witnessing the green shoots of recovery. Seasons come and go and the feel-good factor is ephemeral, but the new spring in the nuclear community's step is not just the result of more sunshine or longer days. This time traditional optimism has been replaced by a sense of anticipation. The nuclear industry is growing in confidence, a confidence based on a tangible belief that the long-awaited revival is underway. The main catalyst has been the world's preoccupation with climate change. More and more citizens now recognise the contribution that CO2-free nuclear energy makes to combating climate change. Politicians too are increasingly revisiting the nuclear option. With its environmental credentials leading the way, nuclear energy really is on the comeback trail.

Issue N°8 of ENS News catches the mood. It opens with a word from Bertrand Barré, President of ENS, on the subject of waste management. In an article entitled "Making Progress on the Communications Front," Andrew Teller examines how nuclear experts can get their message across more effectively to non-specialist audiences.

The ENS Events section focuses on two well-established conferences that took place recently: firstly, PIME 2005 (Paris, 14-17 February) brought together nuclear communicators from across Europe - and beyond - to discuss key communications issues and challenges facing the nuclear industry; secondly, RRFM 2005 (Budapest, 10-13 April) focused engineers and technicians' minds once again on the subject of reactor fuel management and in particular on key areas like how to improve the physical security of research reactor fuel. .

Next up is ETRAP (Education and Training in Radiological Protection), which will take place in Brussels from 23-25 November 2005. This international conference, the fruit of a joint collaboration between ENS and SCK+/CEN (Belgium's national centre for nuclear energy research), highlights the importance of specialised education and training in radiological protection for those who work in the nuclear and medical industries.

The Member Societies and Corporate Members section features the latest news on the energy situation in two of the new Member States, Poland and Lithuania. This is followed by another report from the Young Generation Nuclear associations.

Finally, the spring issue finishes with a round-up of news from around the world, including the proposed construction of nuclear plants in China by the French, the accession of Bulgaria and Romania to the EU, the latest on Kozloduy and the UK's recent decision to reconsider nuclear energy in light of its contribution to combating climate change.
Use the table of contents to fast forward to the topic that interests you most.

Use the table of contents to fast forward to the topic that interests you most.

Peter Haug
Secretary General

Andrew Teller


ENS President’s contribution

All the citizen of Europe, with the unique exception of Austria, would at least keep the nuclear option open if they were convinced that nuclear waste can be safely managed. That was according to a EUROBAROMETER survey of November 2002, but I doubt the results would differ today in our EU25. And for the man-in-the-street, nuclear waste means High Level Wastes, or a mixture of High Level and Long Lived radioactive wastes when the two streams are actually segregated. I will refer to both under the acronym HLW.


Tapping Unusual Quarters

Making progress on the communication front

Attending PIME (the last issue took place last February in Paris) is always a thought- provoking experience. One cannot say that there is a palpable build-up of knowledge from one year to the next: communication is not a hard science, but is surely is a skill that can be improved. And one definitely came away with the feeling that nuclear communicators are improving theirs.


PIME time in Paris

Paris, capital city of Europe's largest nuclear power producing nation, played host this month (from 13 - 17 February) to PIME 2005 - the largest conference in the world especially dedicated to nuclear communications. Around 200 nuclear communicators from 32 countries congregated at the "Maison de la Chimie" to take part in this annual event, which is now in its seventeenth year.


RRFM 2005

From 10-13 April, around 200 engineers and research reactor operators from 29 countries across 4 continents congregated in Budapest for the ninth annual RRFM (Research Reactor and Fuel Management) conference. Most attendees were from Europe, but a large delegation of Americans were also present at this specialised conference. They were primarily interested in the transportation and storage of spent fuel.


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