European Nuclear Society
e-news Issue 8 Spring 2005

PIME time in Paris

Paris, capital city of Europe's largest nuclear power producing nation, played host this month (from 13 - 17 February) to PIME 2005 - the largest conference in the world especially dedicated to nuclear communications. Around 200 nuclear communicators from 32 countries congregated at the "Maison de la Chimie" to take part in this annual event, which is now in its seventeenth year. PIME (Public Information Materials Exchange) was organised by the European Nuclear Society (ENS) in co-operation with the IAEA and the programme was based on morning plenary sessions, afternoon workshops and panel discussions. Among the participants were representatives of nuclear power generators, energy suppliers, waste management companies, members of national nuclear societies and fora, senior EU officials and members of the global research community.

PIME is not just a conference. It is a unique forum for nuclear communicators to discuss major topics facing the nuclear community, to share ideas on future communications strategies and for learning how to communicate more effectively. PIME also provides the ideal opportunity for fellow professionals to network, exchange news and views and share best practices for communicating on issues that arouse great public interest and sensitivity and sometimes fuel controversy.

The conference kicked off with an opening address from Bertrand Barré, President of ENS and Scientific Communications Advisor to the Chairman of AREVA, in which he welcomed participants to Paris, focused on the programme and reiterated the objectives of the conference.

Happy Pimers


The morning plenary sessions focused on some of the key challenges facing nuclear communicators today. Among the highlights were a presentation of a recent AREVA advertising campaign, a BBC "If..." series documentary that illustrated how the power of TV can carry an emotional, high-impact message to a broad public, an IAEA session on crisis communications and a roundtable discussion on the dialogue between nuclear energy and society. In other sessions, delegates presented facts and figures, including the results of recent opinion polls in their respective countries.

During the afternoon workshops, the emphasis was on interactive dialogue, analysis of practical examples and identifying potential solutions. Among the subjects discussed were communicating with local stakeholders, identifying best practices, leading the debate on waste management and improving nuclear operators' public image. Workshop moderators then had to summarise for delegates the findings and recommendations that emerged from each workshop.

ENS President Bertrand Barré hands over the PIME Award
to Katalin Kulacsy, Hungarian YGN

On the final day of the conference, the first ever PIME Award for Communications Excellence was presented to the Young Generation Nuclear network in Hungary, in recognition of its dynamic communications and proactive lobbying during Hungary's largest cultural festival. This was followed by a two-part session devoted to the current and future challenges facing the French nuclear industry. The host country's sessions included a panel discussion on waste management involving experts from AREVA, CEA, ANDRA and EDF. Other presentations highlighted the challenges of communicating on the EPR project and how presenting the case for future technologies can pay dividends.

PIME 2005 concluded with an IAEA-sponsored closed session on best practices in communications that focused on handling the media and communicating in times of crisis. The next day, around twenty delegates visited the CEA's nuclear research centre at Saclay, near Paris.

A number of recurring themes and preoccupations regularly surfaced during PIME. One was the need to dispel public misconceptions with regard to the safety of storing radioactive waste. This is still perceived as a stumbling block to increasing public acceptance of nuclear energy as an economically viable and clean source of energy. Another was the importance of tailor-making communications to suit the specific needs of specific audiences, such as public authorities and local communities. Every communications tool and medium available must be used to maximise the communications pay-off.

Young Generation Workshop with
Kim Dahlbacka and Boris Sucic

A first for PIME this year was the almost permanent presence of senior officials from the European Commission, who actually participated in a number of sessions and workshops. This underlines the progress that the nuclear industry has made in networking with European experts and policy-makers and in engaging them in constructive debate.

Pime speakers

As Pimers left the conference centre and returned home, the prevailing mood was one of guarded optimism, with many delegates confirming that the tide of public opinion is - slowly but surely - turning in nuclear energy's favour. As the vital role that it plays in combating climate change and helping solve the energy supply problem becomes more recognised, a more favourable climate for communicating is created. The nuclear industry must make the most of this opportunity and ensure that it gets its key messages across more effectively.

Presentations are not available on the PIME Website, but a CD will besend to the PIME 2005 Participants.

Gala Dinner

Next year, the PIME bandwagon moves on to Vienna, from 12 - 16 February 2006. Note it down in your diary.



© European Nuclear Society, 2005