European Nuclear Society
e-news Issue 9 Summer 2005

Greenpeace co-founder says nuclear energy is “only option”

Patrick Moore PhD, the American co-founder of Greenpeace and former self-confessed “born-again ecologist and environmental activist” recently gave a speech to the US government’s Congressional Subcommittee on Energy and Resources in which he stated that “nuclear energy is the only non-greenhouse gas emitting energy source that can effectively replace fossil fuels and satisfy global demand.” In his speech he covered a range of issues, including environmental extremism, sustainable development, radioactive waste and the growing trend among prominent environmentalists to see nuclear energy as the only solution to meeting the planet’s energy needs.

It’s not every day that a co-founder of Greenpeace becomes a convert to the cause of nuclear energy. With President George W. Bush currently advocating a return to nuclear energy as a means of reducing CO2 emissions, the timing of Moore’s speech is all the more appropriate. Judge for yourself what he has to say by reading the whole speech on:

© European Nuclear Society, 2005