European Nuclear Society
e-news Issue 4 Spring 2004

ENS High Scientific Council appointments

The ENS’s High Scientific Council (HSC) – its think-tank comprising scientists of high repute – has recently appointed two additional members to its ranks.

Social researcher
Andrés García

Social researcher Andrés García, a graduate of sociology and political sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid, has dedicated much of his work to the domains of marketing and public opinion, and has been active in several research institutes. Since 1990 he has been the scientific co-ordinator at the Centro Europeo de Investigación Social de Situaciones de Emergencia (CEISE), which comes under the aegis of the Spanish Interior Ministry. CEISE is part of a network of research centres operating under the Council of Europe’s Open Partial Agreement (OPA) on Major Hazards. Prof. García’s post at this centre has enabled his involvement in extensive research into emergency situations. His work there has also entailed studies on the social perception of natural and technological risks – the latter relating mainly to nuclear - in Spain and worldwide.

In addition to having a Ph.D. in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, Dr Mircea Constantinescu is a specialist in communications and public relations. Formerly an associate professor with the University of Bucharest’s Faculty of Letters and a professor of computer sciences at the Politechnical University of Bucharest, Dr Contantinescu has also studied in New York and Montreal. His North American specialist training was undertaken with, among others, the leading multinational advertising and PR giants Young & Rubicam and Burson-Marsteller. He is now

Dr Mircea Constantinescu

president of the GALAXIA Foundation. The Foundation – operating under the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs – supports activities in public relations, advertising, journalism and mass communication, as well as analysing and establishing Romania’s image at home and abroad.

The HSC advises the ENS on developments in the various scientific fields related to the use of nuclear technologies - encompassing physics, biology, medicine, engineering and the social sciences. Drawing its members from several European countries, it is also charged with preparing position papers clarifying the ENS’s stance - to the outside world - on current scientific and technological matters and their societal impact. The HSC’s recent position papers are on nuclear energy and climate change, and on the fusion reactor ITER.

More information on the ENS High Scientific Council can be found on the ENS website:

© European Nuclear Society, 2004