European Nuclear Society
e-news Issue 5 Summer 2004

ENS General Assembly in Vienna, 25 June 2004

The Summer 2004 ENS General Assembly took place in Vienna on Friday 25 June. Organised with the kind assistance of the Austrian Nuc Soc and in particular its president, Helmut Böck, it got off to a fine start on the preceding evening, with a typical Viennese “Heuriger” dinner on the outskirts of the city.

The 24 participants had the pleasure of congratulating Michael Grave as the winner of the 2004 Jan Runermark award, which he received

with an enlightening speech on his successful efforts to promote the YGN in the UK. The full speech and details of Mr Grave and his work are available on the ENS website.

The General Assembly progressed well, following the set agenda; the minutes of which will be posted on the web site (members' pages) in due time. A noteworthy, positive development was the confirmation of the re-admission of the Yugoslav Nuclear Society to the ENS. Thus re-establishing ENS as an organisation comprising 24 national nuclear societies.

The Austrian Nuclear Society, furthermore, seized the meeting as an opportune moment to issue a press release underlining the increased importance of nuclear energy in the enlarged EU in terms of climate change.

All told, Vienna provided the location for a positive and fruitful exchange of views.

The next ENS General Assembly will be held here in Brussels on 24 November 2004. This will permit co-ordination with Foratom, during a very ‘nuclear-oriented’ week, which will feature both ENS and Foratom General Assemblies, plus a joint Foratom-ENS workshop (on 24 November 2004, starting at 6 p.m.), not to mention the European Nuclear Assembly (ENA) which will take place on 25 – 26 November.

© European Nuclear Society, 2004