European Nuclear Society
e-news Issue 7 Winter 2005


Training Course on Nuclear Safety

Saclay, France
April 4th - 22nd, 2005

Within the 6th Euratom research and training programme on nuclear energy (2002-2006), the European Commission supports the project “Nuclear European Platform of Training and University Organisations”, NEPTUNO.

NEPTUNO integrates European education and training in nuclear engineering, nuclear safety and other nuclear disciplines with the major objectives to secure qualified curricula in nuclear education at European universities according to the Bologna declaration and to harmonize professional training and accreditation schemes.

The NEPTUNO project builds on the achievements of the 5th European Framework Programme, which led to the establishment of the European Nuclear Education Network - the ENEN Association. The NEPTUNO project will enhance the harmonization of professional accreditation criteria and the associated training programmes across the European Union. The “International Seminar on the Nuclear Fuel Cycle” is a pilot training course planned for this purpose.

The expected result is:

The project is carried out under the coordination of the French National Institute for Nuclear Sciences and Technology (INSTN) by a consortium of 35 partners, including 25 universities and 10 research institutes or private companies from 19 countries. Twenty-six partners are also
members of ENEN.

Websites / Contact Persons


Joseph Safieh
Institut National des Sciences et Techniques Nucléaires, Centre CEA de Saclay,
Bât 395 - F-91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex, France

ENEN Association

Peter De Regge
Institut National des Sciences et Techniques Nucléaires, Centre CEA de Saclay,
Bât. 395 - F-91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex, France

Training course on nuclear safety

This course is organized as a part of the Nuclear European Platform of Training and University Organizations (NEPTUNO) within the framework of the 6th Euratom research and training programme on nuclear energy (2002-2006). Il will be held at the INSTN (National Institute for Nuclear
Sciences and Technology), a higher education institution established within the French Atomic Energy Commission (CEA).

A second edition of this course will be organized in 2006 by the European Nuclear Education Network (ENEN Association) at the Technische Universität München (TUM).


The course participants are expected to be professionals currently employed by regulatory bodies, reactor operators and technical support organizations.

They will be expected to fit at least one of
the following criteria :



The course is focused on PWR type reactors and includes some specific presentations on BWR and VVER reactors.

After following this course, the participants should be able to describe:


  1. Design of a Nuclear Power Plant

  2. Basic principles of nuclear safety

  3. Radiation protection in nuclear facilities

  4. Safety classification of structures, systems and components

  5. Internal and external hazards

  6. Deterministic accident analysis

  7. Probabilistic safety analysis

  8. Human performance

  9. Operational safety

  10. Surveillance programmes - Maintenance

  11. Severe accidents

  12. Plant renewals, modifications and upgrades

  13. Regulatory control

  14. Emergency preparedness and response

  15. Safety culture


Conferences, courses.
Working groups.
Emergency exercise.

Place: Saclay, France
Duration: 3 weeks
• April 4th - 22nd, 2005

Registration deadline:
• February 25th, 2005
Registration fees:

• 3 000 €
Phone +33 1 69 08 99 23
Fax +33 1 69 08 99 50


Estelle DENIS
CEA - Centre de Saclay
Bât. 395
F-91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex
Phone +33 1 69 08 35 33
Fax +33 1 69 08 99 50

© European Nuclear Society, 2005