Issue No.15 Winter
(January 2007)


ENS News

Word from the President

The strange controversy surrounding ITER

Time to get moving!

ENS Events

Pime 2007

RRFM 2007

ENC 2007

Member Societies & Corporate Members

Summary of a Feasibility Study into the constructing of a new nuclear powerplant in Lithuania

Publication Atoms in Slovakia

At Forsmark Multiple Safety Layers were Effective in protecting the reactor from the consequences of multiple failures in some electronic circuits

The Financing of a Nuclear Power Plant

Output at the Borssele Nuclear Power Plant Borssele (KCB) increased by 35 MWe

Radiation monitoring system for Kudankulam NPP: project development and implementation goes ahead

Elections of the new President and Board Members of the Hungarian Nuclear Society

YGN Report

YGN BNES 10th Anniversary Event

European Institutions

Eurobarometer Survey on Energy Technologies: a mixed bag of results for the nuclear industry

EU strategic energy review recognises key role of nuclear

ENS World News

Nucnet News

ENS Members

Links to ENS Member Societies

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ENC 2007

ENC 2007
16 - 19 September 2007 in Brussels














YGN BNES 10th Anniversary Event, October 2006, Manchester.

University Challenge

Formed in 1996, the Young Generation Network, YGN, (part of the British Nuclear Energy Society) marked its first successful decade on 27th October 2006 by putting on a celebratory event held at the Jarvis Piccadilly Hotel, in Manchester.

The event was attended by over 200 members of the BNES and YGN. These were made up in the most part by 'young' nuclear engineers from various professional and academic organisations. The afternoon and evening programme was packed with industry presentations, discussion and entertainment.

Past Young Generation Chairs

The afternoon programme began with a welcome note by Becky Ferris and Dave Clarke, the current and previous chair of the YGN. The first speech was given by John Ritch, Director General of the World Nuclear Association (WNA). John focused his talk on the necessity of nuclear energy in the 21st century. He also talked about the global environment and meeting predicted future energy needs. A key message of his presentation was that nuclear build must be part of the US energy mix. Finally, he talked about the World Nuclear University established to prepare the nuclear profession for a new nuclear century. He considered this event as a convocation of future leaders and encouraged the YGN to make a crucial contribution.

John was followed by Sarah Johnson, Head of Organisational Development at British Energy. Sarah gave a presentation on Britain’s present nuclear industry and ongoing developments. She also focused on recruitment trends.

Next there was a panel session which started with Peter Bleasdale, Managing Director of Nexia Solutions. Peter talked about the current state of the decommissioning industry and the setting up of the National Nuclear Laboratory (NNL) at Sellafield, which aims to safeguard the country’s nuclear skills and capability. The NNL will be Government Owned Contractor Operated (GOCO) and will focus on:

  • Long term research

  • Skills development

The setting up of NNL is seen as an important development for the industry’s progress.

Peter was followed by Simon Franklin, Director of the Imperial College Research Reactor. Simon gave an interesting presentation on nuclear research and development and the interest shown by overseas students. He focused on the milestones that YGN BNES have achieved in the last 10 years and the kind of activities that YGN has been involved in, e.g. ‘Removing The Myth Seminars’, arranging annual meeting programmes, nuclear tourism and many more. He also talked about a survey that he carried out on the opportunities developed due to decommissioning, new build and the NDA’s role in facilitating career development for young people.

10 years YGN

Simon was followed by John Earp, President of BNES. John gave a presentation on the history of YGN, how and why it was formed and also answered the big mystery of the YGN’s age limit of 37 years! He talked about the development of the YGN from a decade &go, with only 25 members and growing to more than 400 members today.

After John Earp’s presentation, industry speakers joined a panel for an open discussion on the topic of skills, training and the future of the British and worldwide nuclear industry.

The afternoon programme closed with a humorous 'University Challenge' type quiz pitting the wits of the cream of the YGN against the captains of industry from BNES.

The evening programme began with a reception. This was followed by a three course dinner, a fantastic after dinner speech by Major Phil Ashby QGM and entertainment from the Northern Jazz Orchestra.

The event provided a great opportunity for the young engineers and scientists working in the nuclear sector to expand their personal networking, enhance their understanding of the industry, exchange best practices and experience and promote their career development.

My personal view of the event is that it was focused to promote the YGN as they are the future of the industry, but at the same time to transfer the skills and experience from their seniors and captains of industry. The world is changing and we are going through an exciting phase of evolution .Nuclear industry is no longer stagnating but instead is a buoyant industry. We are experiencing a nuclear renaissance.

Rahat Ali Siddiqui
Halcrow Special Structures

Edited by
Christian Guiotto
Aker Kvaerner
YGN Vice Chair 2007

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