RRFM 2009 - Call for Papers

The 13th annual topical meeting on Research Reactor Fuel Management (RRFM) will take place in Vienna ( Austria ) from 22. – 25. March 2009.

The RRFM 2009 Programme Committee and the European Nuclear Society (ENS) are NOW calling for presentations.

Call for Papers

Oral papers and poster presentations are invited on

  • All key areas of the nuclear fuel cycle of Research Reactors - Fissile material supply. Fresh fuel and targets: Origin and status, qualification, fabrication. Technical aspects of fuel in-core management and safety. Fresh and spent fuel transportation. Fuel and reactor licensing. Spent fuel storage, corrosion and degradation. Fuel back-end management. Innovative methods in research reactor analysis.
NEW –in 2009 the scope of the programme will be extended to the following subjects:
  • Utilization of Research ReactorsPreparation and implementation of strategic and business plans, deployment of additional research reactor applications and marketing of research reactor services. Utilization experience and good practices, especially from well utilized research reactors. Stories of success in improving research reactor sustainability. Utilization of research reactors for research, development, education, training and industrial applications. Articulation and operation of research reactors networks, coalitions and centres of excellence. Experiences of successful application of strategic planning in the transition from full government support to total or partial facility self-sustainability and self-reliance.
  • Research Reactor Support for Innovative Nuclear Power Reactors and Fuel Cycles – Research reactor utilization in support of international initiatives on innovative nuclear power reactors and fuel cycles, including inter alia the International Project on Innovative Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycles (INPRO), Generation IV International Forum (GIF), the US DOE Advanced Fuel Cycle Initiative and the US Global Nuclear Energy Partnership (GNEP). Examples of advanced research carried out in research reactors in support of these multilateral undertakings. Identification of research reactor capabilities needed by the international initiatives on innovative nuclear power reactors and fuel cycles. Identification of challenges, constraints and capability gaps potentially limiting research reactor’s ability to provide necessary support.
  • New Research Reactor Projects – National and regional plans for new research reactors. Lessons learned from building and operating new research reactors. Role of research reactors in developing nuclear competence to implement nuclear power programmes in a medium to long term perspective. Research reactor capacity needed to meet the future demand for radioisotopes for medicine and industry. Development of national and regional infrastructure necessary to implement new research reactor projects, including inter alia organization and management, uses and applications, funding and financing, stakeholder involvement, legislative framework, regulatory framework, nuclear safety, environmental protection, security and physical protection, safeguards and human resources.
  • Research Reactor Operation and Maintenance– Plant material condition control, managing issues at either end of the facility 'bathtub curve' (commissioning, early operation and end of life/ageing related issues), maintenance assessments and risk informed maintenance programmes, management systems, configuration management, procedure utilisation, communications and work control, design review and control, human resource development and training programmes, regulatory interface, public relations, management improvement programmes and performance monitoring.

Mark your diaries and be a part of it! Send your abstracts to rrfm2009@eurouclear.org before 15 November 2008.


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