News round-up from the Finnish Nuclear Society (ATS).

The Society’s annual Autumn-seminar

The main annual event of the Finnish Nuclear Society (ATS), its autumn-seminar, took place on 5 November 2009 at the Palace Hotel Linna, in Helsinki. The main topic of the seminar was The Nuclear energy situation in Europe. The principal guest speakers were Sami Tulonen, Institutional Affairs Director at FORATOM, and E.ON Senior Vice President, Dr. Michael Micklinghoff. The seminar was attended by 139 members of the society.

The presentations given during the seminar are available in the archives of ATS on its website at:

139 members of ATS participated

A total of 139 members of ATS participated the traditional autumn-seminar in Palace Hotel Linna in Helsinki.

ATS visits South-Korea

The annual excursion of the Finnish Nuclear Society was to South-Korea and took place in 6 – 17 November 2009. A total of 16 members of ATS visited a wide range of industrial and research facilities and power plants both in operation and under construction. ATS also met the Korean Nuclear Society. ATS wishes to thank David Lee from KHNP and other hosts of the excursion for the excellent arrangements that were made and for the warm welcome given to the ATS group.

More information about the excursion is available from N° 4/2009 of the ATS magazine, Ydintekniikka.

ATS group with the hosts during the visit to the Kori Nuclear Power Site.

ATS group with its hosts during the visit to the Kori Nuclear Power Site.

Old generation section founded

The board of the Finnish Nuclear Society nominated Eero Patrakka, the former President of the waste management company Posiva, as head of the Old Generation (OG) section of ATS. The OG section’s main objective is to co-ordinate the activities of ATS members who have retired from the nuclear industry.

At the same time the activities of the other sections of ATS, namely Energy Channel and Young Generation (YG), continue to be very active. 43 new members joined ATS in 2009, increasing the total to 584.

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