Issue No. 37 Summer
(July 2012)


ENS News

Word from the President

High Scientific Council - Conference Highlight: TopSafe 2012

Social media – you can’t ignore them!

ENS Events

TopFuel 2012

ENC 2012 Career Event

ETRAP 2013

Member Societies

EPE2012 conference in Brno, Czech Republic: Focus on fusion

Romanian “Nuclear Energy” Association  - in action!

Extreme Light Infrastructure – Nuclear Physics (ELI-NP)

News from the Hungarian Nuclear Society

Physics on Wheels – CERN

SNE News

Conference in Croatia on small and medium-size electricity grid


YGN Report

TopSafe 2012: The post-Fukushima Era

Austrian and German Nuclear Societies’ Young Generation Networks visit Chernobyl

Atoms for the Future 2012

AREN – Young Generation chapter organises workshop on knowledge transfer

Corporate Members

More than 4,000 people from 53 countries attend ATOMEXPO 2012

European Institutions

“Present supply of nuclear experts in EU is insufficient to cover demand until 2020 and needs a boost,” says EHRO-N

ENS World News

ENS sponsored conferences

ENS Members

Links to ENS Member Societies

Links to ENS Corporate Members

Editorial staff

TopFuel 2012

TopFuel 2012
2 - 6 September 2012 in Manchester, United Kingdom


ENC 2012

ENC 2012
9 - 12 December 2012 in Manchester, United Kingdom


Pime 2013

PIME 2013
17 - 20 February 2013 in Zurich, Switzerland

ETRAP 2013

ETRAP 2013
13 - 15 March 2013 in Vienna, Austria


News from the Hungarian Nuclear Society

Two major events have significantly impacted upon the Hungarian nuclear community

Two recent events have had a significant effect upon the nuclear community in Hungary. The first event is the Annual General Assembly of the Hungarian Nuclear Society (HNS), which took place at the end of May 2012. This is the most important event that the Society organizes each year and its main objective is to approve the Activity Report of the previous year (2011), as well as the annual budget of the following year (2012). In addition, at this year’s Annual General Meeting the President of the Society for the period 2013-15 was elected. The new Presidency was organised by the Society’s current President and Secretary, as well as by 10 members. At the same time a new Supervisory Board was also elected. The new President will take over his position and carry out his duties as of January 1, 2013. Information introducing the Society’s new officers will be communicated in ENS NEWS early next year.

The second event is the setting up of a new company within the MVM Hungarian Power Companies Ltd., called MVM Paks II NPP Development Ltd. The mission of the new company is to carry out preparatory work on two new units at the Paks NPP site, which will prove a total capacity of 2-3000 MWe. The new units will be operational as of 2020. The call for proposal (i.e. the tender document) is to be issued before the end of the year. The potential site locations for the new units are illustrated on the diagram below.

potential site locations for the new units

In addition, a top-level Governmental Committee on Nuclear Energy has been set up to coordinate strategic decisions related to all NPP development activity in Hungary. The Committee is headed by the Prime Minister and the two ministers responsible for the economy and development are also members of it. The aforementioned activities show that Hungarian decision-makers consider the use of nuclear energy for long-term energy production is essential for Hungary.

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