Issue No. 40 Spring
(May 2013)


ENS News

Word from the President

Is there still a Fukushima impact on university enrollment?

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SNE News

NENE 2013

Activity update – the Romanian Nuclear Energy Association

Take a flower of hope...


YGN Report

PIME 2013:  Communicating Nuclear

A Young Generation report on the ETRAP 2013 conference


Atoms for the Future

Interview with Philippe Samama

Vacancies to join the IYNC2014 organization team

Austrian and German Young Generation Excursion France

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L-3 MAPPS Full Scope Simulator for Embalse Is Ready for Training

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5th FEM’ENERGIA AWARD: Women of Talent in Nuclear

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NESTet 2013

NESTet 2013
17 - 21 November 2013 in Madrid, Spain





























































































































ENYGF 2013

The nuclear conference of the year takes a more solid shape – Register to take part of the unique program!

Registration for European Nuclear Young Generation Forum 2013, likely the most comprehensive conference of its kind to be arranged in Sweden this decade, is open until the conference is fully booked or at latest until May 12th. More than 145 participants had already registered to attend the conference by the beginning of April 2013. Take the chance to register and to join them in Stockholm!

Please notice, the conference is based on the core values of European Nuclear Society Young Generation Network (ENSYGN) concerning networking and knowledge transfer between generations, but there is no requirement to be a member of a national young generation network or to be of a certain age to participate in ENYGF 2013!

In June 2013, Stockholm and Sweden will once more host an international conference for young nuclear professionals. With Vattenfall and Westinghouse as main partners, approximately 400 participants from Europe and beyond will get the opportunity to be informed about the latest news in the industry and establish new valuable contacts for the future!

The last time was in 2006, when over 400 young nuclear professionals from 52 different countries came to Stockholm to participate in the International Youth Nuclear Congress, IYNC. The conference was a success and Sweden has now been elected to host the European Nuclear Young Generation Forum, ENYGF, from June 17th to June 20th.

The conference will consist of lectures by the keynote speakers, workshops, presentation of technical papers and unconference organized around the following three themes:

  • Operation of nuclear power plants. This theme focuses on issues that are relevant to a nuclear power plant during operation, such as safety culture, plant status, experience feedback, power up-rates and maintenance.

  • Decommissioning and waste. This theme focuses on how nuclear waste cared for, as well as how a nuclear facility can be phased out. Today, Sweden is one of the most advanced countries in an international comparison when it comes to its work on how to store spent nuclear fuel in deep repositories, which have attracted great interest among EU member states and others.

  • Nuclear power in the future. Here, those who are interested in areas such as new-build, new reactor concepts and the political future of nuclear can learn more.

The venue for the conference will be the Royal Institute of Technology premises in Stockholm but technical visits to various Swedish destinations within the nuclear field will also be arranged.

Keynote speakers

We are proud to present our already confirmed keynote speakers:

Torbjörn Wahlborg, Senior Executive Vice President Nuclear Power and member of Vattenfall's Executive Group Management, has been with Vattenfall for more than 18 years and has a wide range of experience from all parts of the value chain. After spending almost 15 years in Poland, he moved back to Sweden in 2010 to head the Business Division Distribution & Sales. Since November 1, 2012, Torbjörn is Head of Business Division Nuclear Power.

Yves Brachet, President, Westinghouse Europe, Middle East and Africa Region brings more than 30 years of nuclear industry experience to his current position where he is responsible for building customer relationships, developing business plans, capturing new markets, and successfully executing existing and new projects. His most recent role was as vice president and managing director – France, Benelux. Yves joined Westinghouse in November 2004 as regional Vice-President for France. Mr Brachet holds an engineering degree from École Centrale de Paris (1975) and a civil engineering degree from Centre des Hautes Etudes de la Construction, Paris (1976). Then, he became docteur-ingénieur (PhD) at Paris VI University (1980).

Åsa and Anders Jackson. She is HR Director for ABB Sweden and he is the former President for Westinghouse EMEA region and CEO for Studsvik. They have been married since their student years and have raised three children, now students themselves. The constant puzzle in life, combining careers, family and other interests is the topic of this keynote session.

Agneta Rising is Director General of the World Nuclear Association, based in London, United Kingdom. Previously she headed a commercial department focused on energy, environment and sustainability at Vattenfall AB.

Claes Thegerström is a senior advisor in the area of nuclear fuel cycle and waste management. He was President and CEO of Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company (SKB) from 2003 until 2012. SKB is an organization established by the Swedish nuclear utilities as a joint company for all matters related to spent fuel and nuclear waste management, including research, technical development and industrial implementation.

Mr Thegerström has worked with matters related to nuclear energy and environmental protection since the mid 70's both in Sweden and internationally (Eurochemic reprocessing plant, 1976-77 and OECD/NEA, 1986 - 1991). He is a member of the Swedish Royal Academy of Engineering Sciences and also a member of CNE, the French National Scientific Evaluation Committee for nuclear waste management.

Peter Wikberg is head of Research and Safety assessment at SKB. With over 25 years of experience in geosphere characterization work from the Swedish radioactive waste management program at SKB, in various disciplines, he got experience from the site investigations for the Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory in Oskarshamn, Sweden, resulting in the actual construction of that facility. Between 2002 and 2008, he was Site Manager of the site investigations in Oskarshamn, responsible for all issues needed to support the licensing of a deep repository for spent nuclear fuel.

Radek Skoda, Ph.D., representing Nuclear Science Center (NPI+NE) at Texas A&M University, United States of America, will guide the audience into the future with his presentation "From old to new reactors".

Sigval Berg is an internationally renowned keynote speaker from the United States of America. Mr Berg is recognized for his inspiring lecturers on leadership and how leadership affects people as well as safety culture in organizations. Mr Berg is well acquainted with these subjects from his career in leading positions in an American Nuclear Power Plant and a nuclear submarine as well as in the industry associations Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO) and The World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO).

More keynote speakers will be confirmed in a near future.

Panel Discussion

A panel discussion will be held at ENYGF 2013. The topic will be “Nuclear – A complicated matter. Is it possible to reach a mutual and assertive conclusion about the future of nuclear?”

Sigval Berg will be the moderator of the discussion where four professionals from different parts of the nuclear industry will share their views.


In the workshop section of ENYGF 2013, we can already present:

Mats Ekblad, OKG AB, Project Manager during the implementation of the latest power up-rate of the Swedish Boiling Water Reactor (BWR) Oskarshamn 3. The unit was commissioned in 1985 with a thermal power of 3020 MWth, that was increased to 3300 MWth in 1989 and finally to 3900 MWth in 2009, leaving it the world´s largest BWR at the time when it reached its new power level in 2011. Mr Ekblad will present “Oskarshamn 3 - considerations in Safety Modernization and Power Uprate of an existing Nuclear Plant”.

Angelica Öhrn, PhD, Analyst, Swedish Radiation Safety Authority presents “Operating experience – the best way to improve safety of nuclear power plants”.

Fredrik Arrhén, SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden and Peter Klason, Research engineer, SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden, “The art of correct measurements”.

Susanne Peemöller, Head of Quality Management (Industrial Plant Services), Vattenfall Europe Nuclear Energy GmbH, “Ageing and maintenance management of electrical and I&C components”.

Dr Gabor Laczko, Senior engineer, Mechanical and Systems Engineering, Vattenfall Europe Nuclear Energy and Veronica Lindow, M.Sc. in Engineering, Radwaste & Decommissioning, Vattenfall Engineering, Sweden. “Decommissioning from a European perspective – Aspects of the Vattenfall decommissioning planning and strategy in Germany and Sweden”

Niklas Bergh, Product Leader D&D and Waste Management, Westinghouse and Niklas Leveau, Engineer, Westinghouse Electric Sweden AB, “Important Factors Affecting a Safe, Fast and Cost-Efficient Decommissioning”.

Cheuk Wah Lau, PhD student, Chalmers University of Technology, “Thorium - The fuel of the future”.

Dr Mikael Höök, Associate Professor, Global Energy Systems, Uppsala University, “Nuclear power and fossil fuel depletion: future challenges and opportunities in a global context”.

Mats T. Olsson, Manager Business Development - EMEA Region, Westinghouse Electric Sweden AB and Andreas Fristedt-Åblad, Manager Business Development - EMEA Region, Westinghouse Electric Sweden, “Marketing the Westinghouse’s AP1000 Nuclear Power Plant through Stakeholder Networking”.

Sigval Berg, Director, The Severn Leadership Group, “Followership”.

Emilia Janisz, External Relations Officer, European Nuclear Society, ENS and YGN, “Knowledge Transfer and New Tools”.

Isis Stafford, Project Manager, World Nuclear Association and Mark Bosley, Section Manager - Performance Improvement, Ontario Power Generation, “Leadership”.

More workshops will be confirmed in a near future.

Other ways to participate in the conference program

Do you have knowledge that could be useful or interesting for the other conference participants? Prepare your own presentation linked to one of the conference themes and take the chance to present it during ENYGF 2013! This is usually a popular and superb opportunity to interact and network with people with specialized interests similar to yours. You will schedule your session upon arrival and other conference participants will attend your session.

Technical papers will also be presented at ENYGF 2013. Paper submission is now closed.

Technical Tours

There are seven different technical tours to choose between to please different interests among the conference participants and to present the Swedish Nuclear Industry in their home arena. Please notice, there is limited number of participants on each technical tour, first come, first served so don’t wait with your registration!

FORSMARK –You will visit Forsmark NPP consisting of three BWRs including the world unique Biotest Basin, a research facility where the relationship between the higher water temperature from unit 1 and 2’s cooling water and biological processes are studied. A visit to Forsmark Iron Village, one of Sweden’s best-preserved historic landmarks, will also be made. Finally, the tour goes to the Final Repository for Short-Lived Radioactive Waste (SFR) where operational low and intermediate-level waste from Swedish nuclear power plants is stored. You will visit the actual repository, one kilometer out from the coast, and get a presentation of the handling of radioactive waste in Sweden.

OSKARSHAMN/SIMPEVARP – You will visit Oskarshamn NPP and take a guided tour of its unit 3, which is one of the worlds’s largest BWRs after an offensive power up-rate implemented in 2009 and get some more information about the three units at the Simpevarp peninsula. In the Swedish model, spent fuel will be placed in copper canisters before its transportation to the final repository. You will visit the Canister Laboratory in Oskarshamn where the technology for the encapsulation of spent nuclear fuel is being developed.

SIMPEVARP – You will visit the Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory (HRL) where much of the research into future final storage of spent nuclear fuel takes place about 500 meters down in the underground. It is in this real environment that various technical solutions are subjected to full scale testing and you will be transported underground into the Swedish bedrock to see this world unique laboratory. Look at the different experiments being carried out and get the full story of the work with taking care of the spent nuclear fuel in Sweden. You will also visit The Interim Facility for Spent Nuclear Fuel (Clab) with its deep water basins in rock vaults 30 meters below ground where all spent fuel from the Swedish nuclear power plants is stored today. Stand at the pool edge and have a look at more than 5000 ton spent nuclear fuel. This is a one-of-the-kind facility and it will be a memorable visit.

VÄSTERÅS - During the full day trip to Westinghouse Electric Sweden in Västerås, you will experience one of the world’s largest and most modern nuclear fuel factories along with visits to their service center and fuel test lab. In The Nuclear Fuel Factory you will be taken on a guided tour that explains how fuel assemblies for PWRs and BWRs are manufactured and handled. In the LWR Service Center, you will be shown a quarter of a full scale reactor vessel where training with maintenance equipment and testing operation is performed. The visit to the fuel test lab, The Nuclear Fuel Thermal Hydraulic Testing Laboratory, will give you an understanding for how testing is made with fuel assemblies and fuel assembly components. The lab hosts the FRIGG and ODEN critical heat flux test loops.

STUDSVIK – You will visit Studsvik Nuclear AB which offers a range of advanced technical services to the international nuclear power industry in such areas as waste treatment, decommissioning, engineering & services, and operating efficiency. The facilities that can be visited on site are the incineration facility, the hot cell laboratory and the material and water chemistry laboratory. AB SVAFOs mission is to handle and store nuclear waste and to decommission nuclear facilities from the early Swedish nuclear research program, in a safe and environmentally way. SVAFO will due to limitations in the group size be able to show you two out of the following three facilities: The permanent closed down research reactors at the R2 facility, the waste handling facility and the intermediate rock cavern storage. Nuclear Safety And Training Center (KSU) delivers comprehensive solutions in the areas of training, development and consultancy. The company is responsible for training nuclear operators at the Swedish nuclear power plants. The training takes place both through theoretical training and by training in control room simulators. KSU will be able to show you how nuclear reactor operators train with the help of control room simulators.

STOCKHOLM 1 - The Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM) is an authority under the Ministry of the Environment with national responsibility for of nuclear safety, radiation protection and nuclear non-proliferation. You will get a presentation of the authority and its work. WesDyne Sweden is a wholly owned subsidiary of Westinghouse and a leading supplier of services and products in the field of qualified mechanized non-destructive testing for the international nuclear industry. Operations include development, design, project management, manufacture, sales and marketing of inspection equipment for a number of non-destructive testing methods. You will be visiting WesDyne Sweden facility situated in Täby. Here, specially designed testing equipment for nuclear power plants are developed and manufactured. You will get a full presentation of the company and its products.

STOCKHOLM 2 - Swedish National Grid is a state-owned public utility that has the task to transmit electricity from the major power stations to regional electrical grids, via the national electrical grid. You will, for example, be able to visit their control room monitor where they supervise the national electrical and gas grids and ensure that there is always a balance between consumption and production in Sweden. The nuclear power station Ågesta (ASEA) was the first Swedish commercial nuclear power plant. Construction started in 1957; operations began in 1964 and continued until 1974. The station primarily provided district heating for the Stockholm suburb Farsta, as well as a small amount of electricity. The power station is built in a rock cavern, which is rather unique, and the facility is very well preserved. You will, for example, be able to visit the almost intact control room and reactor hall. This is Swedish nuclear history at its best.

Social Events

Informal welcome gathering in Tantolunden (Casual), Sunday 16th June - Visit the park Tantolunden the evening before the beginning of the conference to hang out with other conference participants. Take the opportunity to pre-register and meet the ENYGF-committee at Hotel & Hostel Zinkensdamm, located next to the park, before the conference kicks off. Buy some food and drinks in any of the nearby shops or restaurants and have a picnic in the park. If you’re a Viking, finish up with a swim in the lake! Food, snacks and drinks at your own expense.

Welcome dinner at the Vasa museum (Formal), Monday 17th June - Enjoy a tasty dinner in the spectacular banquet hall in the setting of the 17th Century Vasa ship. The dinner is included in the conference fee.

Social event and dinner at Kåren (Casual), Wednesday 19th June – Have good food, drinks and music in the company of conference participants from all over the world. Bring comfortable shoes and your best dance moves! The event is included in the conference fee.

Farewell reception including light dinner (Formal), Thursday 20th June - Mingle with your new friends and exchange business cards on this memorable evening. Enjoy another light, Swedish summer’s night before going home or take the opportunity to make midsummer plans with the other participants. The farewell reception is included in the conference fee.

Midsummer celebration, Friday 21th June - Accompany us to Skansen for a traditional Swedish midsummer celebration. Sing and dance around the maypole and get yourself some traditional Swedish midsummer food in any of the food stands, restaurants or cafés. In the evening you have free time to live your own midsummer night’s dream together with your new friends. You can stay at Skansen and enjoy traditional Swedish folk dance or hit the town. Round off by watching the sunrise in the middle of the night.

Additional cost of 200 SEK (includes one way transportation and admission fee).

Dress code - There is no need to bring any special clothes for casual wear. Jeans, trousers or skirts will do fine. For formal wear, a suit or a nice dress will be fine.

More information

For more information, the latest updates and registration, visit our website or contact us according to the information stated below.


Filip Gottfridsson, Chairman of the Committee for ENYGF 2013
Phone +46 70-296 98 62

Carolin Cedergren, Market and information chair of the Committee for ENYGF 2013
Phone +46 76-115 45 69


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