Issue No. 43 Winter
(February 2014)


ENS News

Word from the President

National initiatives to attract young people to study nuclear energy related subjects

ENS Events

PIME 2014

RRFM 2014

ENC 2014

TopFuel 2015

Member Societies

France - Poland agreement


NENE 2014

Hungarian Nuclear Society highlights publication of three new books

The Swedish Nuclear Society Honorary Award

The International Symposium on Nuclear Energy – SIEN 2013

Nuclear veterans - old, but still active

YGN Report

NESTet 2013 – Putting the spotlight on nuclear education and training

IYNC 2014 –Rising to the challenge

Atoms for the Future conference: developing knowledge, investing in youth

Corporate Members

AiNT at forefront of training in the field of nuclear engineering

MELODI, European Radioecology Alliance, NERIS and EURADOS sign a Memorandum of Understanding

L-3 MAPPS Wins Tihange 1 Full Scope Simulator Project

CERN and SCK•CEN join forces to develop particle accelerators

Protective gas chamber furnaces for heat treatment

FALCON, a Consortium to build a Gen IV Lead Fast Reactor Demo in Romania

ENS World News

Energy – Transparency Centre of Knowledge (E-TRACK)

ENS sponsored conferences

ENS Members

Links to ENS Member Societies

Links to ENS Corporate Members

Editorial staff

PIME 2014

PIME 2014
16 - 19 February 2014 in Ljubljana, Slovenia

RRFM 2014

RRFM 2014
30 March - 3 April 2014 in Ljubljana, Slovenia

ENC 2014

ENC 2014
11 - 15 May 2014 in Marseille, France

TopFuel 2015

Topfuel 2015
13 - 17 September 2015 in Zurich, Switzerland

IYNC 2014 –Rising to the challenge

IYNC 2014

IYNC 2014 is an international conference for both young and senior nuclear specialists. The “Last Call for Summaries” has been launched and the deadline for receiving contributions is 14 March 2014. Papers are expected in the following technical fields, all of which feature on the conference programme:

  1. Operation and Maintenance, Design Modifications, Radiation Protection

  2. Generation 3 Reactors and SMRs

  3. Reactor Physics and Materials (including Advanced Reactors, e.g. Gen IV)

    3.1 Thermal-hydraulics
    3.2 Neutronics
    3.3 Materials

  1. Safety, PRA, Severe Accidents and Fukushima

  2. Fuel Cycle Front-end and Non-Proliferation

  3. Decommissioning, Fuel Cycle Back-end and Waste Management

  4. Fusion

  5. Training, Human Resources and Human Factors

  6. Politics and Economics, Social Acceptance

  7. Medicine and Other Applications

  8. YGN Best Practices

In addition, 15 interactive workshops will be organized covering both technical and non-technical areas.

Participants in IYNC 2014 will have the opportunity to exchange knowledge and experience with keynote speakers from the industry such as: Danny Roderick, Westinghouse CEO & President; Alejo Vidal-Quadras, Vice President of the European Parliament; Ibrahim Babelli, K.A. CARE Chief Strategist; Mike Weightman, former ONR HM Chief Inspector in the UK; Ralf Güldner, CEO E.ON Kernkraft GmbH; Ken Ellis, WANO Managing Director; etc.

Spain has a long tradition of operating nuclear power plants, with the first reactor having being constructed in 1964. Currently, Spain has seven nuclear reactors generating a fifth of its electricity. The organizers of IYNC2014 propose visits to one of 7 important nuclear sites on the last day of the conference:

Tour 1 ENSA Manufacturing Facility for large nuclear components
Tour 2 Juzbado Fuel Manufacturing Facility
Tour 3 Garoña Nuclear Power Plant
Tour 4 Tecnatom simulators and facilities
Tour 5 José de Cabrera NPP
Tour 6 Trillo NPP
Tour 7 Ciemat investigation center with stellarator (TJ-II)

In addition to the organisation of the conference an initial meeting between the representatives of the Chinese Nuclear Society and IYNC took place in November 2013, in China. The programme included visits to the Sanmen NPP and the State Nuclear Power Engineering Corporation (SNPEC). It is expected that participants, managers and plenary session speakers from China will attend IYNC2014. The venue for the conference has been confirmed as the ABBA Hotel in Burgos.

IYNC delegation


We would like to invite our members and all interested parties to keep up-to-date with news concerning the IYNC network and IYNC2014, by visiting our website at:

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