
About Rad4Med.be

Rad4Med.be is the Belgian Network for Radiation Applications in Healthcare, a not-for-profit organisation aimed at creating awareness about the use of radioactivity in healthcare, improving its visibility and promoting Belgian expertise in nuclear medicine and radiation therapy. Rad4Mad.be therefore supports the worldwide development of a sector in which our country is a world leader. Rad4Med.be represents the entire value chain of nuclear applications in medicine, from the equipment for the production of radioisotopes or radiation beams to the final diagnosis and optimal treatment of the patient.

Rad4Med.be provides foreign stakeholders with direct access to the main actors and infrastructures in Belgium, so that issues relating to nuclear applications in medicine can be addressed within the country. Currently Rad4Med.be has over 50 members: universities, research centers, training centers, associations, agencies and companies working directly or indirectly in the nuclear field.

For more information go to: www.rad4med.be.
Contact: contact@rad4med.be

This network was created in 2013 with the support of:



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