European Nuclear Society
e-news Issue 48 Spring 2015


Department of Nuclear Sciences and Applications
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna International Centre, PO Box 100
1400 Vienna, Austria



Strategic plans are indispensable documents for research reactors (RRs) to ensure their efficient, optimized and well managed utilization. A strategic plan provides a framework for increasing utilization, while helping to create a positive safety culture, a motivated staff, a clear understanding of real costs and a balanced budget. A strategic plan should be seen as an essential tool for a responsible manager of any RR, from the smallest critical facility to the largest reactor. In fact, not only is it a document that can provide justification for the operational funding required for the facility, but it is also a powerful means of management control for all activities relating to the facility.  A well prepared strategic plan will also provide on-going benefits to the facility management. However, due to its evolutionary nature, a strategic plan is a dynamic process, and therefore the plan will require monitoring and regular update to be truly successful.

In conjunction with this year’s planned revision of IAEA TECDOC-1212 on “Strategic Planning for RRs” (2001), and in order to reflect the current status and trends in RR utilization and management, a group of international experts has reviewed 37 strategic plans submitted by RR managers in 2013-2014. The resulting suggestions and recommendations were communicated to the originators for their consideration. Each strategic plan document was reviewed against the requirements of TECDOC-1212. Results were tabulated for each document individually and recommendations for improvement were communicated to the originators. The detailed review also indicated a scoring range from well-prepared strategic plans that required only a limited amount of attention and others which were notably insufficient in their preparation.

As a follow up to the review, two interregional workshops were organized in July 2013 and October 2014. They gave for the a great number of participating RR facility managers from close to 30 Member States the chance to share experiences, lessons learned and good practices in developing and implementing strategic plans at their facilities. The lively meetings, packed with experts’ lectures, country presentations and round table discussions, resulted in tangible suggestions and recommendations regarding how strategic plans should be prepared, revised and implemented. The concrete examples and case studies also provided additional input to how the TECDOC-1212, presently under revision, needs to be improved.

This paper will present in detail the results and lessons learned from the IAEA efforts to help the RR facilities developing strategic plans for effective utilization, provide review and advise services, organize national and regional stakeholder/user workshops, prepare further guidance and recommendations, document and publish guidance documents and other supporting materials.

1.         Introduction

The IAEA is convinced of the need for Research Reactors (RRs) to have strategic plans (SPs) for their utilization and has regularly issued a series of publications to encourage facility managers, operators and stakeholders in this regard. The first publication of “Strategic Planning for Research Reactors” was released as TECDOC-1212 in 2001 [1]. In the meantime, planning the utilization and administration of RRs has changed according to how new technologies, business strategies and organizational structures have developed.

The IAEA has also sponsored several meetings and workshops to facilitate the exchange of expert advice and local circumstances in order to improve the concept of research reactor strategic plans and their implementation. The outcomes of these meetings identified the need to revise the original TECDOC-1212 and to publish a new version that will provide an improved approach to assist both existing and new research reactor operating organizations. Such an approach would enable reactor management to determine more accurately the state of existing reactors or the intended operation of new facilities. At the same time, management could identify the capabilities of their research reactors and match these to stakeholders’ needs and establish the feasibility of supplying such needs. Management could then also establish a long term vision that would not only accomplish optimized utilization of the research reactor but would also promote the sustainability of the reactor and its ancillary facilities.

The review of the original TECDOC-1212 was also strongly recommended by the Technical Working Group on Research Reactors (TWGRR). Although the original TECDOC-1212 only focused on enhancing the utilization of existing RRs, this updated version now also provides guidance on how to develop a strategic plan for a new RR and will be of particular interest for organizations which are preparing a feasibility study to establish such a new facility. This revised publication, therefore, now complements the recently published RR Milestones document [2] and contributes to the important set of technical documents and guidelines recommended for new RR facilities. In addition, the concepts of the recently issued document on RR applications and utilization [3] are incorporated in this revision. The latter report brings together many of the current uses of RR and enables a reactor owner or operator to evaluate which applications might be possible with a particular research reactor facility. An analysis of a research reactor’s capabilities, both existing and potential, is an early phase in the strategic planning process.

This paper presents some major results and lessons learned from the IAEA efforts to help the RR facilities developing strategic plans for effective utilization, provide review and advise services, organize national and regional stakeholder/user workshops, prepare further guidance and recommendations, document and publish guidance documents and other supporting materials.

2.         Review of SP documents

Assistance in preparation and review of SP documents is available as an IAEA service provided to the RR facilities. Indeed, SPs for RRs are key documents to ensure their efficient, optimized and well managed utilization - this applies to both existing and newcomer RRs. Newcomers benefit from a strategic plan by the justification of the project and by clarified definition of the specification of the RR and its ancillary facilities in order to optimize its future utilization. On the other hand, existing RR could benefit by re-evaluation of stakeholder needs in order to both continue operation and to optimally increase its utilization. 

In conjunction with this year’s planned revision of TECDOC 1212 and in order to reflect the current status and trends in RR utilization and management, a group of international experts has reviewed 37 strategic plans submitted by RR managers around the world. The resulting suggestions and recommendations were communicated to the originators for their consideration. Each strategic plan document was reviewed against the requirements of TECDOC 1212. Results were tabulated for each document individually and recommendations for improvement were communicated to the originators. The detailed review also indicated a scoring range from well-prepared strategic plans that required only a limited amount of attention and others which were notably insufficient in their preparation.

In practice, the review of each individual SP document was completed according to a sufficiency scale (0 to 10) of section content according to the IAEA TECDOC-1212 proposals with the results tabulated for each SP. The outcome of this allocated review also indicated a range from “well-prepared SPs that required some attention with overall average, say, above 5” to some SPs which were “totally insufficient in their preparation with overall average, say, below 5”.

A selective ranking system based purely on average of un-weighted scores is given in Table 1 for comparison of the levels of SP sections-areas completed by the various facilities. The numbers are the granted points (from 0 to 10). Table 1 also includes specific country average for all required sections-areas (grey column), number of zeros for not included chapters-areas (bright-blue column) and section-area averaged score by all considered countries (last line).

Table 1: The levels of SP sections-areas completed by the various facilities

The levels of SP sections-areas completed by the various facilities

The involved experts recommended that the IAEA provide suitable feedback to each individual facility regarding the level of the SP preparation to still receive attention before the forthcoming workshop and then to address any outstanding shortcomings at the workshop and assist the applicable RR managers to complete their SPs to the required levels of sufficiency.

From Fig. 1 one can clearly observe that “Marketing”, “Finances”, “Action plans” and “Potential stakeholder needs” are the areas where the most attention is required by all.

Figure 1: Un-weighted performance of SP sections-areas, averaged over all RR facilities which submitted their SP for review.

Other observations by the experts were:

3.         Follow up workshops

As a follow up to the review process of the received SPs, two interregional workshops were organized in July 2013 and October 2014. Altogether, they gave for the a great number of participating RR facility managers from close to 30 Member States the chance to share experiences, lessons learned and good practices in developing and implementing strategic plans at their facilities (Fig. 2). The concrete examples and case studies also provided additional input to how the TECDOC-1212, presently under revision, needs to be improved.

Figure 2: Photo of participants and experts attending the IAEA Training Workshop on
“Development of Research Reactor User Communities and Industrial Partnerships”
IAEA Headquarters, Vienna, Austria, 13–17 October 2014.

The workshops also allowed facilitating the exchange of experts’ advice and local circumstances in order to improve the concept of RR strategic plans and their implementation. Such an approach enables reactor management to determine more accurately the state of existing RRs or the intended operation of new facilities. At the same time, management could identify the capabilities of their RRs and match these to stakeholders’ needs and establish the feasibility of supplying such needs. Management could then also establish a long term vision that would not only accomplish optimized utilization of the RR but would also promote the sustainability of the reactor and its ancillary facilities.

The following is a summary of the issues raised during the feedback session from the workshop participants regarding lessons learned during the expert and participant presentations and discussions.

The workshop participants together with the experts also formulated a number of follow up recommendations to the teams involved in drafting facility SPs, namely they should:

4.         Review of the IAEA TECDOC-1212

As one of the key outcomes of the SP review meetings/workshops, it was identified that there is a need to revise the original TECDOC-1212 and to publish a new version that will provide an improved approach to assist both existing and new RR operating organizations. The review of the original TECDOC-1212 was also strongly recommended by the Technical Working Group on Research Reactors (TWGRR). The Agency, in addition to the above mentioned follow up workshops, has organized a dedicated consultancy meeting (in May 2014 in Vienna), where a group of international experts have proposed and provided inputs to the following new structure of the future IAEA publication:

Part 1 – Guidelines: The purpose of this part is to put the formulation of a strategic plan into perspective, to provide a rationale for the development of a strategic plan and to give an overview of the process.

Part 2 – Preparation of a Strategic Plan: The second part of the document is a more detailed guide. It gives a suggested format for the plan and describes the considerations and content of each section. Selected question sets are used which aim at assisting the facility management in tailoring the plan to meet its needs.

Part 3 – Guidance on Specific Topics: The third part contains guidance on how to evaluate the financial implications to operate the facility, increase stakeholder awareness of the existence of the facility and how to attract stakeholder utilization. As mentioned above, a change in management and personnel mind-set is sometimes necessary - this is also described in this part of the document.

In addition, several Annexes have been added to this revised version of the document and include examples to clarify the methodologies discussed in the document and to thereby assist the preparers of the strategic plan:

The schematic structure outlined below in Figure 3 is an illustration of the revised approach that should be considered when regarding the development of a strategic plan and its intended outcome. The outcome (roof) of a successfully implemented SP must result in optimized Utilization and Sustainability of the RR during its lifetime. This can only be achieved if the support system (pillars) of the applicable Stakeholders are sufficiently well developed to ensure implementation – e.g. by utilization of irradiation services, existence of R&D projects, and need for Education and Training (E&T) activities. A sound basis (foundation) for the structure is built according to the Stakeholder Engagement (through their needs and interests) which ensures that the resources are made available. These resources are normally the facility itself, funds required and the staff operating and supporting the on-going activities.

Finally, it must be emphasized that the methodology for the preparation of a strategic plan as identified in this revised document is purely a guideline and is not mandatory – unless it is a specific requisite by the IAEA when evaluating requests for technical/financial assistance. The IAEA does not expect general publication of plans or public disclosure of the information contained therein. The IAEA, however, recommends that it will prioritize support requests for new ancillary facilities or equipment for RR utilization if they are accompanied by a strategic plan clearly demonstrating that the items requested are necessary to achieve the objectives of the plan.

 Modular approach for the strategic plan of a research rector.
Figure 3:  Modular approach for the strategic plan of a research rector.

6.         Conclusions

The IAEA is convinced that the long-term sustainability of many RRs around the world depends upon the development and implementation of an effective and achievable SP for their utilization. It is hoped that the revised guidelines on how to prepare, efficiently monitor and successfully implement the SPs for RR facilities together with the offered IAEA services in preparation and review of SP documents will prove to be a key element to enhance RR utilization and ensure long term sustainability of the products and services these facilities can provide.


[1] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, Strategic Planning for Research Reactors — Guidance for Reactor Managers, IAEA TECDOC Series No. 1212, IAEA, Vienna (2001); presently under review with the new publication expected in 2015.
[2] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, Specific considerations and milestones for a Research Reactor project, IAEA Nuclear Energy Series No. NP-T-5.1, IAEA, Vienna, (2012).

[3] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, Applications of Research Reactors, IAEA Nuclear Energy Series, NP-T-5.3, IAEA, Vienna (2014).

© European Nuclear Society, 2015