Poster Presentations






Poster Presentations
(Posters will be on display throuout the conference)

Session I:
New reactor and energy technologies

On the possibility of an accelerator based 3He-laser
F. Çetin, H. Saygin (Istanbul Technical University) – Turkey

SPES-3 experimental facility design for IRIS reactor: Integral Testing
F. Bianchi and al. (Westinghouse, Science & Technology Center, Pittsburgh and others) – USA and Italy

Economic features of smaller size, integral reactors
M.D. Carelli, B. Petrovic et al. (Westinghouse, Science & Technology Center, Pittsburgh and others) – USA and Italy

Strategy for utilization of the Research Reactor IRT in Sofia after its refurbishment
K. Ilieva and T. Apostolov (Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy of Bulgarian Academy of Science) - Bulgaria

Development of an ITER relevant inspection robot
M. Houry et al. (CEA) – France

Concept of a future High Pressure- Boiling Water Reactor (HP-BWR)
F. Reisch (KTH, Royal Institute of Technology) - Sweden


Session II:
The nuclear
fuel cycle/

Development of the sampling and nuclide analysis methods for the regulatory clearance of spent filter wastes
Y.Y. Ji et al. (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) – Korea

A Study on the determination of disposal priority for low and intermediate Level Radioactive Wastes (LILW) in Korea
Min Ho Ahn, Sang Chul Lee, Kun Jai Lee (Department of Nuclear and Quantum Engineering, Korea advanced Institute of Science and Technology) – Korea

Tthe primary and secondary system water regime at PAKS nuclear power plant during the extended service life
Á . Doma et al. (PAKS Nuclear Power Plant) - Hungary

Separation and recovery of thorium and rare earths from an industrial waste by the solvent extraction chromatography with anchored undiluted TBP on XAD®-16
J. Zini et al. (Institute of Energy and Nuclear Research – National Commission of Nuclear Energy) – Brazil

Best Radio toxicity indices for origin 2.2 (ORNL) code, in the frame of research activities on ADS systems
B. Calgaro et al. (DIMNP-University of Pisa, Italy and SCK-CEN in Mol) - Belgium

Profiling the -ray distribution of the cement lining of an established nuclear pond as a function of depth
A. Shippen, M. Joyce (Department of Engineering, Lancaster University) - UK

MAESTRO, a hydraulic manipulator for maintenance and decommissioning applications
Y. Maesson et al. (CEA-LIST) – France

CANBERRA solutions for source location and activity determination for investigations of ORCADE dismantling project at AREVA NC La Hague site
H. Toubon, C. Cordier, B. Fere (AREVA/CANBERRA and AREVA NC) – France

Approach to radiation monitoring at Kudankulam NPP
N. Ryzhov et al. (PROM Engineering) - Russia

Monitoring systems for Hot Spot Detection in radioactive waste
G.G. Simon, M. Sokcic-Kostic (NUKEM Technologies GmbH) – Germany

Decommissioning of an uranium hexafluoride pilot plant
I. Santos et al. (Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares IPEN-CNEN/SP) - Brazil

Determination of Pm-147 in spent fuel samples in the framework of the MALIBU programme
L. Adriaensen et al. (SCK-CEN) – Belgium

Perception of management options for contaminated milk and implications for the decision-making process
C. Turcanu et al. (SCK-CEN) - Belgium

Ensuring security of supply trough partnership
J. González Jimenez (ENUSA Industrias Avanzadas, S.A) – Spain

TRIMATEC – Working skills and methods on confinement systems competence center
J. Blancher (AREVA) – France

Advanced solutions for mitigating hydrogen risk during transportation of radioactive materials
V. Rohr and H. Issard (Areva) - France

Methods for fabricating Gamma-Uranium-Molybdenum (?-Umo) alloys and their influence on powder obtention by the HDH Technique
F.B.V. Oliveira et al. (IPEN) - Brazil

Studies on the aging and corrosion behaviour of simulated spent nuclear fuel
C. Kütahyali et al. (European Commission JRC) – Germany

The current status and further development of radiation engineering for nuclear power, industry and medecine
N.R. Kuzelev et al. (Russian National Technical Physics and Automation Research Institute (VNIITFA)) - Russia


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Session III:

Long term retention of D- and L- [123I]-2-iodo-Phenylalanine in R1M tumor bearing rats: A potential for radionuclide therapy
M. Bauwens et a.i (BEFY, Vrije Universiteit Brussel) – Belgium

Results 90Y/177Lu-DOTA TATE therapy in patients with neuroendocrine tumors - own experience of 6 months therapy
J. Kunikowska et al. (Nuclear Medicine Department Medical University of Warsaw, Collegium Medicum Cracow and ORBI POLATOM) – Poland

Early detection of delate Gastric emptying in patients with Parkinson’s disease
B. Chaushev et al. (Laboratory of Nuclear Medicine, “St Marina” Hospital; Department of Imaging Diagnostics and Radiotherapy, Medical University; Neurologic Clinic, “St Marina” Hospital and Department of Neurology, Medical University) – Bulgaria

Optimization of production of medically radioisotopes through cross section determination
Hermanne (Cyclotron department, Vrije Universiteit Brussel and Atomki, Hungarian Academy of Science) – Belgium/Hungary

Optimizing injected dose in equilibrium gated radionuclide ventriculography by using a Three Cluster Model and lineal discriminant analysis
M. Perez Diaz and O. Diaz Rizo (Central University of las Villas and Institute for Applied Science and Technologies, Nuclear Physics Department) – Cuba

Thermal flux analysis of the PFMA-1 device
D. Mostacci et al. (DIENCA, University of Bologna) – Italy

Monte Carlo calculation for the development of a BNCT neutron source (1eV – 10KeV) using MCNP code
F. El Moussaoui et al. (Université Abdelmalek Essaadi, Faculté des Sciences, Département de Physique) – Morocco


and Knowledge

VELLA Project: an initiative to create a common European research area on lead technologies for nuclear applications
S. DE Grandis et al. (ENEA et al.) - Italy


and terrorism

Digital advances in pulsed fast neutron analysis for use in counter terrorism
M. Aspinall et al. (Department of Engineering, Lancaster University) – UK

Megaports: detection of nuclear smuggling in the port of Antwerp
P. Fias et al. (Nucleair Technologisch Centrum, XIOS Hogeschool Limburg) – Belgium

After the Bush Doctrine of Pre-Emptive Self-Defence: A Step Closer to Nuclear Pre-emption?
K. Chainoglou (School of Law, King’s College London) - UK

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