ETRAP 2013

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European Nuclear Society





ETRAP 2005

23 - 25 November in Brussels, Belgium

3rd International Conference on Education and Training in Radiological Protection



Is there any need for a mutual recognition of qualified experts? First results of an opinion poll

Presented by


Stange, Karl-Ludwig



Berufsgenossenschaft Feinmechanik und Elektrotechnik, Haus für Arbeitssicherheit (DE)



In  2004  the  Workshop  “Education  and  Training  on  Radiological  Protection  in  Europe”  took  place  in  Madrid.  According  to  the  reports  and  to  talks  I  had  with  delegates,  I  recognized,  that  there  exist  differences  in  the  way  qualified  experts  are  trained.  Their  responsibilities  and  their  tasks  are  not  equal  in  the  diverse  countries.  Also  the  different  languages  and  the  different  legal  systems  prevent  experts  from  working  abroad.  In  order  to  get  an  overview  of  the  European  situation,  a  working  group  of  the  German  Swiss  Radiation  Protection  Association  launched  an  opinion  poll,  to  get  information  about  this  topic  from  their  members.  We  wanted  to  find  out,  whether  there  are  experts  working  abroad  and  what  are/were  the  obstacles  in  the  recognition  of  their  expertise.  The  first  results  of  the  opinion  poll  will  be  presented. 

Full paper



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