NESTet 2011


The registration fees for NESTet 2011 :

  • ENS Members

700 Euro

  • Non-Members

800 Euro

  • Universities and Research Centers

600 Euro

  • Eastern European professionals

600 Euro

  • Young Generation Network

250 Euro


You are required to register for the conference. Those papers who do not have a paid/registered author or presenter associated with it will not be included in the conference proceedings.

The registration fee includes:

  • Participation in all sessions

  • One set of conference proceedings (Transactions) on CD ROM

  • Lunches and coffee breaks

  • Welcome Reception on Sunday 15 May 2011

  • Conference Dinner on Monday 16 May 2011

  • Post-conference Technical visit on Wednesday 18 May 2011

Reduced registration fee:

The following registration categories benefit from a reduced fee:

ENS Members
The membership rate applies to all individual members of ENS Member Societies and staff of ENS Corporate Members.

Professionals from and working in Central and Eastern European countries
The following countries are considered Central and Eastern European countries: Belarus, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Russian Federation, Serbia and Montenegro, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Ukraine.

Universities and Research Centers
Professionals working at Universities and Research Centers

Cancellation policy

Cancellations must be communicated in writing. There will be no refund if cancellations are made after 15 April 2011 (one month prior). For cancellations prior to 15 April 2011, an administrative fee of 100€ will be charged.

organised back-to-back with:

organised in collaboration with:


NESTet 2011 Gold Sponsors:
