Pime 2009

15 - 18 February 2009, Edinburgh, United Kingdom


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09:00 – 09:30


David Bonser, President, European Nuclear Society

Jim Murphy, UK Government Minister for Scotland


09:30 – 11:00

Increasing public acceptance: making it sustainable

Moderator: Alf Young, Deputy Editor, The Herald


  • Christoph Schröder, Administrator, DG TREN, European Commission

  • Robert Knight, Reasearch Director, IPSOS Mori

  • Kris Van Dijck, Mayor of Dessel, Group of Municipalities with Nuclear Facilities

  • Sören Holmberg, Professor of Political Science, University of Gothenburg

No policy can survive long-term if it does not have the backing of a majority of citizens. At a time when public acceptance of nuclear is on the increase and people are more prepared than ever before to listen to the nuclear case, the onus on communicators to effectively measure, interpret and influence public opinion is all the greater. An internationally-renowned polling company and a representative of an association that groups together European municipalities with a nuclear site in their territory put the spotlight on exactly what’s at stake.

11:00 – 11:30

Coffee break

11:30 – 12:00

Presentation of short-listed candidates for 2009 PIME Award

5 minutes to convince voters !

Chair: David Bonser, President, European Nuclear Society

12:00 - 12:30

Presenting the nuclear case: what advertising can teach us

Marc Michils, Chief Executive Officer, Saatchi & Saatchi Brussels

All utilities invest in advertising to help them to forcefully articulate key messages to an increasingly information-thirsty public. High impact advertising can effectively sensitise citizens to the irrefutable advantages of nuclear energy. But are they always cost-effective? What can Europe’s community of nuclear communicators learn from state-of-the-art advertising techniques about improving the reach and impact of their communications? One of the world’s leading advertising companies drives the debate and helps delegates to answer these questions.

12:30 – 13:30


13:30 – 15:00

Under the international spotlight: the nuclear re-launch in Britain

Chairman: John McNamara, Head of Media and Public Relations, Nuclear Industry Association

Malcolm Grimston, Associate Fellow, Energy, Environment and Development Programme, Chatham House

Sue Fletcher, Head of Media, British Energy

Brian Cowell, Torness Station Director, British Energy

Bill MacDonald, Head of New Build and Stakeholder Engagement, Nuclear Installations Inspectorate, Health and Safety Executive, UK Government

Things in the UK have advanced considerably in recent months. The British government has clearly signalled its intent to build a new fleet of nuclear reactors in order to meet pressing security of supply needs and CO2 reduction commitments. British Energy has been purchased by the French nuclear giant EDF and the scene is set for a major new-build programme. Everyone is watching closely to see what happens next. Our British hosts give us a definitive low-down on the current nuclear scene in the UK.

15:00 – 15:15

Coffee break

15:15 – 18:15

Interactive break-out sessions: setting the agenda yourself

ENS is always keen to listen to feedback from PIME delegates and introduce innovative ideas on programme design and content. As a result, PIME 2009 will see the introduction, for the first time, of a new working session concept. The concept is based on a series of highly interactive break-out discussions. Its aim is to enable delegates to focus more directly on shared needs and common concerns. It’s all about working closely together and concentrating on real, everyday issues; about identifying new solutions to meet existing and emerging challenges.



Sponsor of the Gala Dinner

 PIME 2009 is organised in cooperation with

IAEA Foratom OECD Nuclear Energy Agency


  graphics and Design: Marion Brünglinghaus, ENS