PIME 2012

Pime 2012

12 - 15 February 2012, Warsaw, Poland

Post Conference Technical Visits

Visit the the National Centre for Nuclear Research in Otwock-Świerk (30 km away from Warsaw)

All available places for the technical tour have been taken. It is currently not possible anymore to register for the technical tour.

The technical visit will take place on Wednesday, 15th February 2012. Departure with the buses from the conference venue, Sheraton Warsaw Hotel at 8.00 am.

The National Centre for Nuclear Research in Otwock-Świerk

The National Centre for Nuclear Research was launched on September 1st, 2011 by merging The Institute of Atomic Energy POLATOM and The Andrzej Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies

The National Centre for Nuclear Research in Otwock-Świerk

The National Centre for Nuclear Research is a research and development institution engaged in scientific research, development and applied studies in physics and technology of nuclear reactors, condensed matter physics and material engineering, application of nuclear techniques in environment and health protection, ecology, nuclear safety, health physics and nuclear spent fuel management. The Institute operates the only Polish research nuclear reactor MARIA that is employed in production of radioactive, isotopes, modification of materials with nuclear radiation and studies with neutron beams.


departure by bus from Sheraton Warsaw hotel


arrival in Swierk in National Centre for nuclear Research (NCBJ)


Visit in Research Reactor “Maria”


Visit the Radioactive Waste Management Disposal, Department of Physics Accelerators and Department of Education and Training




departure to Sheraton Warsaw hotel

We will arrive at Sheraton Warsaw hotel approximately at 15:30


The technical tours are included in the registration fee.

The maximum size of each group is limited and participation is on a first-come, first-served basis.

Please fill in the appropriate section of the registration form and the required information for the security check. Upon registration the conference secretariat will furthermore send you a form sheet which you will need to fill in and return.



organised in collaboration with:

OECD Nuclear Energy Agency