Financial security
The administrative authority is required to fix the
amount of the financial security for plants and operations where a nuclear
liability pursuant to international obligations or the Atomic Energy
Act is considered to meet the legal damage obligations which the applicant
is required to assume. The financial security may be met by an insurance
or by an indemnity or warranty obligation of a third party. The financial
security sum amounts to Euro 2,500 million for reactors with an electrical
output of 1,300 MW. Without prejudice to the determination of this financial
security the liability of the owner of the plant is, however, unlimited.
ENS conferences |
TopSafe 2017
12-16 Feb. 2017
Vienna, Austria |
PIME 2017
19 - 22 March 2017, Middelburg Netherlands |
RRFM 2017
14 - 18 May 2017 in Rotterdam, Netherlands |
ETRAP 2017
30 May - 2 June 2017, Valencia, Spain |