European Nuclear Society - the aims
The aims of the European Nuclear Society are to promote
and to contribute to the advancement of science and engineering in the
field of the peaceful uses of nuclear energy by all suitable means and
in particular by:
fostering and coordinating the activities of the member organisations
encouraging the exchange of scientists and engineers between different
disseminating information within the nuclear community,
to decision-makers and the public
sponsoring meetings devoted to scientific and technical matters
and to the communication on nuclear applications
striving to enhance the operational excellence
of the existing power plants, to explain the benefits of and the
need for nuclear energy, and to develop the engineering expertise
and manufacturing capacity which will be needed in the future
fostering engineering education and training
cooperating with international governmental and
non-governmental organisations and with other organisations having
similar aims
promoting international standardisation in the nuclear field
encouraging the formation of organisations of nuclear
scientists and engineers where no such organisations exist

11 - 15 March 2018
Munich, Germany

30 September - 04 October 2018
Prague, Czech Republic |