In 2018 the European Research Reactor
Conference, RRFM, will take place from 11
– 15 March 2018 in Munich, Germany.
The conference program will revolve around a
series of Plenary Sessions dedicated to the
latest global developments with regards to
research reactor technology and management.
Keynote speeches will among others highlight
fuel back-end issues, research reactor
decommissioning as well as safety and security.
Keynote speakers will provide insights into
latest developments of the hosting country and
latest projects of the TU Munich.
Parallel sessions will focus on all areas of
the Fuel Cycle of Research Reactors, their
Utilization, Operation and Management.
In 2018 the RRFM Progamme Committee will be
organising the first
Student Competition of the international
Research Reactor Community.

Previous conference: RRFM
2017 Rotterdam, Netherlands