Isotope laboratory
Work rooms where the spatial and instrumental equipment
enables safe handling of open radioactive substances. Pursuant to IAEO
recommendations, isotope laboratories are classified in three types
according to the activity which they are allowed to handle: A, B and
C. In this context, measurement of activity is a multiple of the free
limit in accordance with the Radiological Protection Ordinance. Laboratory
type C thus corresponds to a handling quantity of up to 102 times, laboratory
type B up to 105 times and laboratory type A beyond 105 times the free
limit. In type C laboratories, fume cupboards are to be installed when
there is a risk of impermissible ambient air contamination. In general,
exhaust air filtering is not required. In type B and A laboratories,
provision is to be made for glove boxes or other working cells, in addition
to fume cupboards, for the handling of open radioactive substances.
Exhaust air filtering is required. Details are contained in DIN 25 425.

11 - 15 March 2018
Munich, Germany

30 September - 04 October 2018
Prague, Czech Republic |