Radiation protection areas


Radiation protection areas are established in the case of activities requiring a permit under national radiation protection legislation. Depending on the level of radiation exposure, a distinction is drawn between monitoring areas, controlled areas and exclusion areas with regard to the external and internal radiation exposure. Wherever EU regulations apply, the following values are valid:

  • Monitoring areas
    Monitoring areas are in-plant areas which do not belong to the controlled areas and in which persons may receive an effective dose of more than 1 millisievert or organ doses higher than 15 millisievert for the eye lens or 50 millisievert for the skin, hands, forearms, feet and ankles in a calendar year.

  • Controlled areas
    In controlled areas persons may receive an effective dose of more than 6 millisievert or organ doses higher than 45 millisievert for the eye lens or 150 millisievert for the skin, hands, forearms, feet and ankles in a calendar year.

  • Exclusion areas
    Exclusion areas are part of the controlled areas where the local dose rate may be higher than 3 millisievert per hour.

Controlled areas and exclusion areas are to be fenced off and marked permanently and be clearly visible. A residence time of 40 hours per week and 50 weeks in a calendar year is decisive for determination of the controlled area or monitoring area limits if no other substantiated information on the residence time is available.








ENS conferences

TopSafe 2017

TopSafe 2017
12-16 Feb. 2017
Vienna, Austria

PIME 2017

PIME 2017
19 - 22 March 2017, Middelburg Netherlands

RRFM 2017

RRFM 2017
14 - 18 May 2017 in Rotterdam, Netherlands

ETRAP 2017

ETRAP 2017
30 May - 2 June 2017, Valencia, Spain