Reference nuclide


For shielding calculations, dispersion calculations or to determine local dose rates, it is often sufficient to consider only a few special radionuclides, the leader nuclides. The latter have a chemical similarity and/or such a high specific decay energy that they override the effects of lower radiating radionuclides. The fact that they are disregarded in calculation therefore does not entail an error in the radiation protection calculations. Reference nuclides are also used to calculate the quantity of other nuclides in the case of known history of the material containing the nuclide(s).







ENS conferences

TopSafe 2017

TopSafe 2017
12-16 Feb. 2017
Vienna, Austria

PIME 2017

PIME 2017
19 - 22 March 2017, Middelburg Netherlands

RRFM 2017

RRFM 2017
14 - 18 May 2017 in Rotterdam, Netherlands

ETRAP 2017

ETRAP 2017
30 May - 2 June 2017, Valencia, Spain