The ENS Programme Committee

The European Nuclear Society programme committee acts as a task force to reflect on the long term conference strategy of ENS. The members are representatives of the national nuclear societies.

In the internet era, it has been questioned whether conferences are still needed, given the various ‘e-ways’ to stay in touch.

ENS Sponsorship

By offering its sponsorship, ENS supports and endorses top-level scientific conferences.  ENS sponsored events are a reference of quality. They are recognized as international events of high scientific reputation. By making information on the event available though various communication channels, ENS further enhances the visibility of the sponsored event.   

What conference organisers must know to receive ENS sponsorship for international topical meetings

Who is eligible for receiving sponsorship?

ENS Sponsorship of conferences and other events is a service offered to ENS Member Societies and Organisations. Outside Europe ENS also provides sponsorships as a courtesy to partner nuclear societies, especially for meetings that alternate between Europe and overseas.

In exceptional cases, sponsorship of events organized by scientific organizations with an outstanding reputation can also be considered.

Which criteria must events fulfill in order to be eligible?

The organised event must reflect the spirit of a learning society and be in line with the aims of the society.

Meetings are considered eligible for ENS sponsorship if they are expected to be of considerable international interest and can prove that they are very efficiently organized.

The conference programme must have a genuine international dimension and must be predominantly of a scientific, technical, industrial and/or economic nature.

The meeting must be held in English or simultaneous translation into English must be offered.

How to apply ?

Candidates must download or ask the ENS Secretariat for an official form which they must complete and return to the ENS Secretariat.

ENS Support:

By granting its sponsorship ENS endorses the meeting. It provides extra help by announcing the event well in advance and by publishing calls for contributions and information. More specifically, ENS offers the following:

  • prior notice of the event on the ENS website, together with a link to the conference website

  • free entry in ENS’ conference listing and the handling of resulting requests for information

  • publication in the Society’s magazine, ENS NEWS, of Calls for Papers and other information

In exceptional cases, and following a specific request, ENS and its Member Societies can support the organisation of an event by making its expertise available to conference committees.

ENS sponsorship of an event should be flagged in all announcements and documents relating to the event and include the message: ‘in association with the European Nuclear Society’.

In exchange for providing the above support, ENS requests that:

  • the "membership" conference registration fee must apply to all members of ENS Member Societies and Corporate Members.

  • a copy of the conference transactions or proceedings be sent to the ENS Secretariat








11 - 15 March 2018
Munich, Germany


30 September - 04 October 2018
Prague, Czech Republic