Issue No.10 Autumn
(November 2005)


ENS News

ENS President's Contribution

Informing the Public

ENS Events

Etrap 2005

ENC 2005

PIME 2006

Topnux 2006

RRFM 2006

Topseal 2006

Topfuel 2006

Member Societies & Corporate Members

Hurricanes Give a Boost to Hydrogen Economy

Finland's Olkiluoto 3

YGN Report

10th Anniversary of German YG

European Institutions

European Energy Policy

ENS World News

Nuclear frontline of climate change battle

Winning the battle

ENS Members

Links to ENS Member Societies

Links to ENS Corporate Members

Editorial staff

ETRAP 2005

ETRAP 2005
23-25 November 2005 in Brussels


RRFM 2006RRFM 2006

RRFM 2006
30 April - 3 May 2006 in Sofia, Bulgaria






















































In this issue

Autumn is traditionally a time of rich harvests and spectacular fertility, when Mother Nature shows off her seasonal wares in a kaleidoscope of colour. And yet in recent months Mother Nature has increasingly shown her darker side, one that is anything but nurturing and maternal. So far, this autumn has hardly been the season of mists and mellow fruitfulness that the poet John Keats famously wrote about. Hurricanes, tsunamis, floods and earthquakes have repeatedly battered several parts of the world, leaving a trail of death and destruction in their wake. Such catastrophes used to be once-in-a-lifetime events that most people only read about in history books. Today, as whole cities and regions feel the devastating force of nature with increasing regularity, the history books are being rewritten - and it doesn’t make good reading. The apocalyptic pictures of the dead and dying that are so often plastered across our TV screens and newspaper front pages, although unpalatable, have become part of our daily news diet. When what used to be the exception becomes the norm, you know that you’re in trouble.

Today, few people genuinely believe that these tragic events are random and inexplicable, or simple acts of divine retribution. We instinctively search for a more rational and scientific explanation and the most commonly accepted one is that climate change, which is regularly described as the greatest threat facing our planet today, is the real culprit. The terrible irony is that it is mankind’s poor stewardship of the environment, his unhealthy dependency upon CO2-emitting fossil fuels that has, to a great extent, caused the climactic upheaval that we are experiencing today. In short, man has sewn the wind and is now reaping the storm. His suffering is largely self-inflicted

Not quite the harvest that we usually associate with autumn, is it? Issue N° 10 of ENS NEWS focuses, among other things, on this key issue of climate change and on how nuclear energy can - and is – playing a central role in combating it. The real challenge for our industry is to show those who still doubt whether climate change is really to blame that they need to wake up quickly and smell the coffee. Of all available energy sources, it is non-CO2-emitting nuclear energy that can help most to appease the forces of nature.


In the ENS NEWS section President Bertrand Barré casts his scientific eye over the results of a recent Eurobarometer survey on nuclear waste. This survey - the first of its kind to be carried out in EU-25 - canvassed over 24,000 European citizens’ views on the sensitive issue of radioactive waste management and on nuclear energy in general.
A number of key statistics emerged from the survey, including that more than 60% of those interviewed believe that nuclear energy helps countries to diversify their energy mix, to reduce their dependency on oil and to emit no greenhouse gases, unlike oil and coal.

Bertrand also uses the survey results as a starting point for analyzing the general level of public acceptance in the EU for nuclear energy and highlights the lessons to be learned.

The Events section of ENS NEWS highlights two remaining conferences in 2005: ETRAP 2005 (Brussels, 23-25 November), which focuses on education and training in radiological protection, and the European Nuclear Conference (Versailles, France, 11-14 December). ENC is a major event for the scientific and technical community and provides a panoramic view of what is going on in the world of nuclear. Also under the spotlight are the many events already scheduled for 2006, about which more details will emerge in due course.

In the Member Societies section there are three reports. Firstly, Peter Leister, Vice President of the Swiss Nuclear Society and a member of the Board of Directors of ENS, writes about the potential applications of hydrogen power and the global impact that it could have on the world energy scene. In the second report our colleagues from the Finnish Nuclear Society give a detailed analysis of the decision to go ahead with the construction of Olkiluoto 3. This report highlights how the EPR project was born, how competitive it is, what its development goals are and how its new design offers state-of-the-art safety standards and levels of radiation protection. Finally, our friends from Young Generation Nuclear (YGN) mark the tenth anniversary of their association with a review of its objectives, activities and future plans to attract a new generation of talented scientists to invest in a career in the nuclear industry.

The European Institutions section of ENS News puts the news spotlight on the UK Presidency of the EU. It analyzes a speech that British Prime Minister, Tony Blair, recently gave recently to the European parliament in Strasbourg. In his speech he emphasized that it was “time that we (the EU) developed a common European energy policy.” Mr. Blair also stated that the EU should “develop a common position on nuclear energy,” – a subject that is very much back on the political agenda in the UK

Finally, the ENS World News section turns the spotlight onto the hot topic of climate change. First up, there is an article about the recent FORATOM seminar on climate change, Nuclear energy: Meeting the challenge of climate change, which was attended by senior officials from the European Commission, MEPs, industry leaders and environmentalists. An MEP Declaration advocating nuclear energy as the best energy option for combating climate change was signed by a cross-party group of 25 MEPs and presented during the seminar. It was later presented to the media and subsequent press coverage was extensive.

The second article on climate change focuses on the adoption by the European Parliament’s Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) of Swedish MEP Anders Wijkman's (EPP-ED) own-initiative Draft Report on the Commission's February 2005 Communication Winning the Battle Against Global Climate Change. The Communication presents the European Commission’s vision of the EU's climate change policy beyond 2012.

Finally, Andrew Teller writes a thought-provoking article about how people exercise their democratic rights using heuristic shortcuts rather than spending much time studying the issues at stake. He looks at the relationship of trust that must be established between providers of information (e.g. politicians) and receivers of information (voters) if these shortcuts are to be effective. He concludes that, in the case of nuclear issues, better information of the public, although ultimately highly desirable, is not necessarily the immediate goal to be aimed at.

The ENS Members section reminds readers of important events coming up in 2006 and provides details about how ENS NEWS readers can register now for PIME 2006, which takes place in Vienna, from 12-16 February. Additional information is also given about the next RRFM conference, which will take place in Sofia, Bulgaria, from 30 April – 3 May.

Enjoy your autumn edition of ENS NEWS!

Peter Haug
Secretary General

Andrew Teller


ENS President’s contribution

A side look at EUROBAROMETER 277

The European Commission has published this summer the results of an opinion poll carried out in February-March 2005, among 24708 citizens in the 25 Member States of the union, and devoted to radioactive waste. This “EUROBAROMETER 277” is well worth reading in details, but I have chosen not to focus on the waste issue, but rather on the general picture of the public acceptance of nuclear power in EU25.


Informing the Public

he European Commission published last June its 2005 edition of the Eurobarometer survey. The aim was to analyse the opinion of European Union citizens on the subject of nuclear energy, and radioactive waste in particular (see the ENS President’s comments on it in this issue of ENS News). I would like in turn to use this study as a starting point for addressing the difficult problem of public information.


ETRAP 2005

It is not yet too late to register for ETRAP2005!

Join in debates on all aspects of education and training in radiological protection! The conference programme reflects the great diversity of issues and challenges facing professionals in this field, and highlights the wide range of skills and result-oriented tools at their disposal.


ENC 2005

It’s not yet too late to register for ENC 2005!

This year’s European Nuclear Conference will be a highlight in the world nuclear scientific and technical community. At a moment when new reactors are ordered, new scientific equipments are implemented, new concerted research programs appear, you are invited to come and meet your colleagues in Versailles, to improve your expertise, to benefit from the experience of the others.


Pime 2006


Join in a high-level debate on key nuclear communications issues. Exchange your views and experiences with other communicators in one of the interactive workshops.


TopNux 2006

“Securing the Future – The Role of Nuclear Energy” is the theme for the three-day international TopNux conference being held from 21 to 23 March 2006 in London.


RRFM 2006

Dear Colleague,

Mark the 10th Research Reactor Fuel Management Conference (RRFM) in your agenda: Sofia, Bulgaria, from 30 April to 3 May 2006.


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