Issue No.10 Autumn
(November 2005)


ENS News

ENS President's Contribution

Informing the Public

ENS Events

Etrap 2005

ENC 2005

PIME 2006

Topnux 2006

RRFM 2006

Topseal 2006

Topfuel 2006

Member Societies & Corporate Members

Hurricanes Give a Boost to Hydrogen Economy

Finland's Olkiluoto 3

YGN Report

10th Anniversary of German YG

European Institutions

European Energy Policy

ENS World News

Nuclear frontline of climate change battle

Winning the battle

ENS Members

Links to ENS Member Societies

Links to ENS Corporate Members

Editorial staff

ETRAP 2005

ETRAP 2005
23-25 November 2005 in Brussels


RRFM 2006RRFM 2006

RRFM 2006
30 April - 3 May 2006 in Sofia, Bulgaria


TopFuel 2006

Mark your diary for TopFuel 2006!

Bringing together nuclear fuel professionals from around the world to share experiences, exchange views and discuss the latest developments – that is the aim of TopFuel, the international meeting on LWR Fuel Performance. The next edition will be held from 22 to 26 October 2006 in Salamanca, one of the loveliest towns in Spain.

Call for Papers

Share your expertise and success with your nuclear fuel colleagues by presenting a paper on one of the following topics:

  • Advances in fuel design and fabrication

  • Fuel cycle strategies and core management

  • Security of supply

  • Fuel performance and operational experience

  • Fuel analysis methods and models

  • Fuel behaviour under off-normal conditions

  • Logistics, containers and transportation

  • Spent fuel management (including storage)

  • Licensing and safety requirements

  • Avanced fuel cycles

Please submit your abstract by 1 March 2006. The Call for Papers and abstract form can be downloaded from

We hope you will join us in Salamanca next year!

Further information:

TopFuel - A reference for the nuclear fuel community

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