The DYG and BNS-YG: underground and outer space!

Nuclear is everywhere: underground and up in outer space! This was the theme of the two bilateral exchange visits organised in 2008 by the Dutch Young Generation (DYG) and Belgian Nuclear Society Young Generation (BNS-YG) chapters.

DYG and BNS-Yg visit SCK-CEN

On May 23, a delegation of about 30 Dutch young nuclear professionals came to SCK-CEN in Mol, Belgium, to visit HADES, the underground laboratory used for research into the potential for disposing of highly-radioactive and long-lived waste in clay layers deep underground. Together with Belgian colleagues, they entered the laboratory, situated some 225 metres underground in the Boom Clay and covering an area of 200 metres. They aim was to see and discuss the different experiments going on down there. That evening there was also time set aside for socialising during the dinner that took place in nearby Antwerp.

On November 11, about 20 Belgian young nuclear professionals went to the European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESA-ESTEC) in Noordwijk, the Netherlands. Together with the DYG group, they attended a symposium about future of nuclear and the development of new research reactors and space applications. They also visited the laboratories at ESTEC and the Space Expo. After a very interesting day, a dinner was also organised, in the Dutch university city of Leiden.

European young nuclear professionals

Such jointly organised technical visits are not only a unique opportunity to exchange viewpoints on specific nuclear themes, but also they create an enriching atmosphere for European young nuclear professionals to meet each other in an informal way. To be continued!

Wim Uyttenhove, Chairman of 2008-2010 BNS-YG (
Pieter Kleerebezem, Chairman of the Dutch Young Generation


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