Editorial staff:

Editorial Staff:

Mark O’Donovan, Editor-in-Chief

Contributors to this Issue:

Helmut Böck ( Atominstitut, Vienna)
David Bonser (ENS)
David Dalton (NucNet)
Frank Deconinck (VUB)
Kirsten Epskamp (ENS)
Edouard Hourcade (YGN)
R. Khan ( Atominstitut, Vienna)
Pieter Kleerebezem (YGN)
Frigyes Reisch (KTH)
Clive Smith (Cogent)
Andrew Teller (Areva)
Wim Uyttenhove (YGN)


Marion Brünglinghaus

Rue Belliard 65, BE-1040 Brussels
Phone +32 2 505 30 50 - Fax: +32 2 502 39 02
E-mail: info@euronuclear.org - www.euronuclear.org

The ENS News is a quarterly publication, in electronic form only.
Copyright notice ©2008 European Nuclear Society.
Reproduction is authorised provided that the ENS News is acknowledged as the source – except where otherwise stated.



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