Issue No. 26 Autumn
(November 2009)


ENS News

Word from the President

Kant and the Nimby Syndrome

The medical isotope crisis

ENS Events

ETRAP 2009

Pime 2010

RRFM 2010

ENC 2010


Member Societies & Corporate Members

High Pressure - Boiling Water Reactor, HP-BWR, concept

Romanian-Belgian Seminar on “Nuclear Energy and the environment”

International Symposium on Nuclear Energy – SIEN 2009

Space flight research at the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre

SNE news

YGN Report

Spanish Young Generation Network in ICEM’09/DECOM’09

The Swiss Young Generation Project 2009

The communications mission of the growing BNS-YG network

YGN Technical Tour of Finland 2009

ENS World News

NucNet News

ENS sponsored conferences

ENS Members

Links to ENS Member Societies

Links to ENS Corporate Members

Editorial staff


ETRAP 2009

ETRAP 2009
8 - 11 November 2009
in Lisbon, Portugal


Pime 2010

Pime 2010
14 - 17 February 2010 in Budapest, Hungary


RRFM 2010

RRFM 2010
21 - 25 March 2010 in Marrakech, Morroco


ENC 2010

ENC 2010
30 May - 3 June 2010
in Barcelona, Spain

































ENC 2010

30 May - 2 June 2010 in Barcelona, Spain

ENC 2010

Call for Papers

The European Nuclear Conference (ENC) is the largest international conference of its kind on the European event calendar. This European Nuclear Society (ENS) event has a multidisciplinary approach, looking at nuclear applications in energy production and medical technologies.

ENS and the ENC 2010 Programme Committee are now calling for abstracts in the following areas:

Reactor technologies

  • Generation III reactors

  • Generation IV reactors

  • Small reactors

  • Research reactors

  • Innovative reactor concepts, including the thorium cycle

  • Innovations in the supply chain or construction engineering

The fuel cycle

  • Front end

  • In core management and fuel behaviour

  • Back end

  • Spent fuel management

  • Uranium and plutonium recycling, including minor actinides transmutation

  • Transports of fuel materials

  • Nuclear materials safeguards

  • Greenhouse gas emissions from the fuel cycle

Plant operations

  • Maintenance and operation

  • Safety management (operation, maintenance, aging …)

  • Human and organizational factors

  • Materials technology and testing

  • Plant life extension

  • Instrumentation

  • Decommissioning

  • Physical protection

Life science applications

  • Protection of man and the environment

  • Radiobiology/radioecology

  • Instrumentation

  • Diagnostic and therapeutic applications

  • Isotopes supply

  • Radiation protection in medical applications

    • European harmonisation issues

    • Therapy with alpha emitters

  • Nuclear medicine training in Europe, present and future trends

Education, training and knowledge management

  • Initiatives in education, training and knowledge management

  • Education & training facilities

  • Challenges and opportunities for nuclear professionals

  • Recruitment and labour market issues

Nuclear and civil society

  • Countries’ perspectives on nuclear energy policy

  • Public information, including communicating on nuclear incidents

  • Public perception

  • Stakeholder involvement

  • Economical impact

  • Nuclear and the societal debates, including at international fora

  • Regulation and harmonisation  

Upload your abstracts before 13 November 2009

on or
contact for further information

Important dates

Deadline for abstract submission: 13 November 2009

Notification of authors: 29 January 2010

Deadline for full paper submission: 30 April 2010

Deadline for submission of PowerPoint presentations: 21 May 2010

Conference: 30 May – 2 June 2010


Accepted and presented papers will be included in the Conference Proceedings (Transactions) that will be available on CD-ROM (after the conference) and posted on our website: with reference ISBN 978-92-95064-09-6.

Abstract review

The abstracts received will be peer reviewed under the auspices of the ENC 2010 Programme Committee.

ENC 2010 Programme Committee Chair:
Prof F. Deconinck, SCK-CEN, ENS Past President

ENC 2010 Programme Committee Co-Chair:
J.E. Gutiérrez, Westinghouse Spain , SNE President




Conference Secretariat:

European Nuclear Society

65 Rue Belliard

1040 Brussels , Belgium

Tel. +32 2 505 30 54
Fax +32 2 505 39 02


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