News from the Hungarian Nuclear Society

New Board Members
New Board Members have been elected to serve the Hungarian Nuclear Society for the next 3 years, from January 1, 2010 until December 31, 2012. The new officers are:
President: Elöd HOLLÓ
NUBIKI Nuclear Safety Research Institute
Vice-Presidents: Tamás PÁZMÁNDI
KFKI Atomic Energy Research Institute
Jozsef ELTER
PAKS Nuclear Power Plant
General Secretary: Istvan NEUBAUER
Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority
Fore contact details of the complete Board (12 members) and for further information on the Society please visit the website at mnt.kfki.hu
The World Year of the Nucleus 2011: WYN 2011
The Hungarian Nuclear Society has decided to celebrate the centenary of the discovery of the atomic nucleus by Sir Ernest Rutherford through his famous experiment in 1911 by announcing that 2011 will be “The Year of the Nucleus” in Hungary.
The Hungarian Nuclear Society calls upon every national and international institution related to and linked to the peaceful use of nuclear physics and technology to join this initiative and to widen it so that it can become “The World Year of the Nucleus 2011: WYN 2011”!
This international call was first announced during the PIME 2010 International Conference via the brochure that was distributed on February 15, 2010 in Budapest.