Issue No. 28 Spring
(May 2010)


ENS News

Word from the President

Why I did not switch the lights off for Earth Hour

Preventing nuclear proliferation: a duty for the nuclear community

ENS Events

ENC 2010

Member Societies & Corporate Members

News from the Hungarian Nuclear Society


Adios Juan Antonio!

BNS Conference 2010: Celebrating 60 years of nuclear sciences and 40 years of the BNS

ATC: The Centralised Storage Facility for Spain’s spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste

Enusa’s International Business

Production of radioisotopes in the Belgian BR2 high-flux research reactor for applications in nuclear medicine and industry

SNE News

Nuclear power in smart grids minimizes carbon dioxide release into the atmosphere

News update from the Finnish Nuclear Society

Westinghouse seeks to reinforce its presence in the UK

YGN Report

RRFM 2010 breaks new ground in North Africa!

The Czech Republic’s biggest research reactor gets the woman’s touch

Spain’s Centralised Interim Storage Facility

Young Generation’s role in shaping a roadmap for human resources development

ENS World News

NucNet interviews André Versteegh

ENS sponsored conferences

ENS Members

Links to ENS Member Societies

Links to ENS Corporate Members

Editorial staff


ENC 2010

ENC 2010
30 May - 2 June 2010
in Barcelona, Spain










































Word from the President

Vladimir Slugen

Later this month (from 30 May – 2 June) hundreds of scientists, engineers and researchers will congregate in Barcelona for the 2010 European Nuclear Conference (ENC), an international conference that has established itself as a not-to-be-missed event on the global nuclear science events calendar. Barcelona has always been a byword for innovation, dynamism and diversity. The nuclear community shares its

propensity for innovation and diversity and ENC, with its multidisciplinary approach and broad-ranging programme, supports that ethos too.  ENC 2010 is co-sponsored by the American Nuclear Society and organised in collaboration with the IAEA, the OECD/NEA and the Spanish Nuclear Society. This cooperation emphasises the global reach and relevance of the conference and how constantly developing nuclear technology influences positively the economic well-being and quality of life of so many of the world’s citizens.

There are plenty of excellent conferences dedicated partly or exclusively to the subject of nuclear energy. Many of us attend them on a regular basis. Some conferences concentrate on the base-load electricity generation that is needed to satisfy man’s voracious appetite for energy while at the same time enhancing security of supply and promoting the low-carbon economy. Others, including a number organised or co-organised by ENS, focus more on specific nuclear research fields or programmes. The unique attraction of ENC, however, is its multidisciplinary approach; an approach that underlines the many different practical applications of nuclear technology that exist and how they influence such diverse areas as energy provision, agriculture, food production and medicine. Indeed, a quick look at the ENC 2010 programme and at the number of stands that will welcome delegates to the accompanying exhibition shows how much the conference provides a window of opportunity for the nuclear science community to showcase the multi-faceted innovativeness of nuclear technology - in all its manifestations.

The broad range of issues covered at ENC 2010 explains why around 1,000 delegates from many different countries, including experts from a multitude of industrial and scientific backgrounds, industrialists and decision-makers, are expected to congregate at the famous Palau de Congressos. For three days delegates will discuss key issues like new reactor technologies, nuclear new build, the latest developments in fuel cycle management, education and training and the rapidly changing political landscape.

Whatever your field of interest - whether you are involved in front-line research or are more interested in the industrial or medical applications of nuclear technology – I believe that ENC2010 addresses many of the issues that preoccupy you most. I strongly recommend that you to attend this conference - to bring your knowledge to bear, to learn more about current and future research projects, to  share your experiences with others and to participate in the debate on the issues that concern us most. And ENC 2010 will also provide you with a great opportunity to network with your fellow professionals.

On behalf of ENS and all those who have played a part in making this conference happen I hope that you will find ENC 2010 an informative, constructive and inspiring experience, and that you will return home all the richer and wiser for it.

I look forward to seeing you in Barcelona!

Vladimir Slugen
President of ENS


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